Livestream for February 01, 2025
Is CANCELLED. Apologies.
Most Recent Updates
Jan 19 Livestream - Rapture, Two Witnesses, Universal Salvation, Seven Thunders, Great Commission
Jan 16 New Research Video - The Noahide Laws
SCICRY Video - Seeing the Endgame
Jan 12 Livestream - Language of the Garden of Eden, Cush, Nimrod, Leviathan & Behemoth, Paleo-Hebrew, Preterism Problems
Jan 11 New Research Video - Balaam and His Donkey, The Whole Story
Jan 09 Research Page Update - Balaam
Dec 31 New Research Video - The Final Experiment Flaws, This is Not Science.
Jan 05 Livestream - Drones and UAPs, Supporting Israel, Research Methods, Millennial Kingdom
Dec 31 Commentary Video - What does the Final Experiment mean for Flat Earth? 24-hour Sun in Antarctica
Dec 15 Livestream - Drones and UAPs, Supporting Israel, Research Methods, Millennial Kingdom
Dec 12 New Research Video - An Inconvenient Review of Probably Alexandra: Duality
Dec 08 Livestream - Goodman of the House, The Planets, After the Millennium, Atlantis
Dec 01 Livestream - Christmas Trees? Praying to God or Jesus? Book of Enoch, Olivet Discourse, Armageddon
Nov 27 New Research Video - Understanding the Olivet Discourse and 70 AD
Nov 24 Livestream - Daniel's 70 Weeks, Recapitulation, Camp of the Saints, Are Ye Gods?
Nov 20 Research Page Update - The Olivet Discourse
Nov 17 Livestream - Cosmology, Ezekiel's Temple, Modern Israel, Dreams, Aliens, Disclosure
SCICRY Video - Seeing the Endgame
Nov 10 New Research Video - Parable of the Steward, Luke 16:1-13
Nov 10 Livestream - Unrighteous Steward. Are our souls everlasting? Isaiah 11 and 65 Fulfillment. Christ Forsaken.
Documentary Series: The Cataclysm of Rome
A study of the true history of Rome and the Catholic church, and how a correct understanding of the related events of history may change everything about the origins of Christianity. Click one below, or watch the whole series on a Youtube playlist here: Cataclysm of Rome Series Playlist
Other Critical Studies
These videos are some of the best that I have to offer.
BibleScribe Video Teaching
Topical Bible or Related Studies
1 Peter Supports Preterism, Imminent Time Statements
1 Thessalonians Supports Preterism, Imminent Time Statements
58 Reasons Why Mystery Babylon is Rome
Abraham Dividing the Heifer - Part 1
Abraham Dividing the Heifer - Part 2
AI, ChatGPT, Barak Obama, and STEM
Am I Really a Christian? How can I be Sure?
Am I Still Preterist? Was I ever?
An Inconvenient Review of Probably Alexandra: Duality
Angels are NOT real. Really?
Are Death and Hades places or principalities?
Are Ye Gods?
Are You Going to Hell?
Are You Scared of the Apocrypha?
Atheist Problem: No Evidence for Jesus Christ?
Balaam and His Donkey, The Whole Story
Being Spiritually Minded, Or the Dangers of Materialism (in Movies?)
Biblical Timeline of Our Complete History, and Future
Billy Graham's Ecumenism - Merging Protestantism with the Global Catholic Church
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit - What is it?
Cataclysm of Rome, Part 1: The Council of Nicaea
Caesar's Messiah Debunked , this was the video that inspired the series, where I generally debunk the broad claims of the Caesar's Messiah Book and Documentary.
Caesar's Messiah Shredded - Part 1 - Intro
Caesar's Messiah Shredded - Part 2 - The Flavians & Josephus
Caesar's Messiah Shredded - Part 3 - "Creating" Christianity
Caesar's Messiah Shredded - Part 4 - The Cult of Caesar
Caesar's Messiah Shredded - Part 5 - The Alexanders and Herods
Caesar's Messiah Shredded - Part 6 - The Documents, The Gospels
Can man only live to 120 years old? Genesis 6
Calvinism: Free Will in the Early Church Fathers
Child Psychology, So Childish
Christian pacifism, Turning the cheek, Loving your enemies
City of Angels
Colossians Supports Preterism, Imminent Time Statements
Comparing the Jewish Temple to the Modern Church
Covenant Eschatology Examined
Daniel's 70 Weeks Demystified
Dating the Book of Revelation
Defilement From Within, Matthew 15
Destruction of the Earth & The Final Judgement
Destruction of the Occult Nazis: Chapter 1 - Thule and Maria Orsic
Destruction of the Occult Nazis: Chapter 2, Deathcount
Did God Create Sin?
Did God Tempt David to Take a Census?
Did Jesus go to Hell or Hades, or not?
Did Luis Alcazar Start Preterism?
Discerning the Symbols
Dispensationalism, the Trojan Horse of the Apocalypse
Does 2 Timothy Condemn Preterists?
Does Isaiah Prophesy a Virgin Birth? Controversy solved.
Dracula Unmasked
Enoch's 10 Weeks Prophecy CHART
Enoch's Journey to Antarctica
Exodus 3, God, and the elohim
Evidence that Christ Existed
Freedom. A Re-Declaration of Independence.
Freedom in Christ!
Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22
Full Preterism Endgame: Why I Left Christianity: Jen Fishburne
Full Preterist Problem: No Law
Full Preterist Problem: Prophecy of the Book of Enoch, 10 weeks
George Washington's Vision, Confirmed, America Needs this Now.
Giants in the Bible? No way!
Gog and Magog
GOG and MAGOG. Mind. Blown.
Heaven and Earth Shall Pass Away, Matthew 24:35
Hebrew Roots - Is the Sabbath for Christians?
Hell, and its Many Names
How can we know that the Second Coming already happened?
How Do I Know that Satanists Rule the World? BANNED
How I Became a Preterist
How shall we then live as a Preterist?
If Atheists were God
In Jesus Name, Part 1: All Authority
In Jesus Name, Part 2: All Authority
Irenaeus Tells Us Who Christ Is, and What He Did
Is 1000 years as a day?
Is HAL a Trinitarian? AI, ChatGPT, and the Bible
Is Hell real? Is it eternal torment, or not?
Is the Book of Enoch Inspired?
Is there None Righteous? A Rebuttal of Total Depravity.
Israel Only, Destroyed by Ancient Texts
Israel Only, or Everyone
Jacob's Ladder, the Vision Explained
James Supports Preterism, Imminent Time Statements
Jesus is Coming! What are you going to do?
Jewish Feasts
Josephus Discourse on Hades
Josephus and Tacitus on the Miraculous Events of 70 A.D.
Judy Satori, Spirit Master? Or Mastered by Spirits!?
Just 2 Religions Part 1, Rooted in Satanism
Just 2 Religions Part 2, Addendum
Just Say HELL NO to No Hell!
Letter to My Son
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Michael Heiser and the Trinity
No Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4
Olivet Discourse Parallels
Original Sin, What is it?
Nebachudnezzar's Dream, The Statue of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron, Daniel 2
Parable of the Steward, Luke 16:1-13
Peter's Resurrection Sermon, Acts 2 - The Most Underrated Scripture of All Time!
Prophetic Eschatalogical Timeline
Rapture, Resurrection and the Two Witnesses
Reconciling the Sifting of the Righteous with Final Judgment
Revelation 20: Was it Thousand or Thousands?
Revelation Without Allegory
Righteous Anger, Dreams, Visions, and the Spiritual Connection
Romans Supports Preterism, Imminent Time Statements
Satan isn't real. Or is he?
Satan Loosed for a "Short Time"
SRA Satanic Ritual Abuse, Thies in Germany
Second Beast of Revelation, Simon Magus!
Spiritual Timeline of 30 AD to 70 AD
Should a Christian Drink Alcohol?
Snakes on a Pole! The Nehustan, Rod of Asklepios, Caduceus
Snakes on a Pole 2: Caduceus, Hermes and Baphomet
Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Now or Then?
Spiritual vs. Physical
St. Peters Basilica and the Inverted Cross
Ten Reasons the Millennium is a Literal 1,000 Years
The 5,500 Year Prophecy, From Adam to Christ
The Battle of Jericho Confirms the Historical Timeline
The Beast of Revelation
The Book of Joel in 15 Minutes!
The Book of Life and the Akashic Records
The Day of the Lord, the Key to Prophecy
The Difference between Partial and Full Preterism
The Early Church Fathers on Hollywood
The Epistle of Barnabus Confrims Historical Fulfillment
The Eschatology of Polycarp
The Eschatology of the Early Church Fathers
The Gathering Together of the Saints
The God of Genocide
The Great White Throne Judgment
The Kingdom of Heaven
The Label, Systems of CONTROL and POWER
The Mark of the Beast, What is it?
The Millennial Reign of the Messiah
The Millennium Ended in 1000 AD
The Nature of Baptism
The New Heavens and New Earth
The Noahide Laws
The Principalities of the Nations, Understanding the Spiritual Nature of the Bible
The Progression of the Pagan Nations, and their gods
The Real Millennium of 1000 Years
The Real Story of the Tower of Babel
The Septuagint and the Everlasting Father
The Tetragrammaton, YHWH
The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11, COMPLETELY EXPLAINED
The Trinity of Confusion
The Trinity Unmasked
The Whore of Babylon
The Word of God, the Logos, the "Logon tou Theou"
The Yearning of Modern Christianity - Part 1
The Yearning of Modern Christianity - Part 2
Timeline of Siege of Jerusalem 70 AD, Update 1 - Earthquakes, Cassius Dio, Revelation
Timeline of the Destruction of Jerusalem, 70 AD
Understanding Sin and the Law, Do Christians have to obey the Law?
Understanding the Olivet Discourse and 70 AD
Universalism and Atheism, Strange Bedfellows
Warning to Pastors! Teach Us the Bible!
Was the Unicorn real?
What are DEMONS? Are Demons real?
What did Jesus REALLY Teach? - Part 1 (Matthew 1-10)
What did Jesus REALLY Teach? - Part 2 (Matthew 11-12)
What did Jesus Really Teach? - Part 3 (Matthew 13-16)
What did Jesus REALLY Teach? - Part 4 (Matthew 17-28)
What if... Phantom Time
What is Ascension Christianity?
What is Heaven like? God's Cosmology.
What is Malaka, the Effeminate Man of 1 Corinthians 6:9
What is Marriage in the Bible? Or "Biblical Marriage"
What is the Abomination of Desolation
What is the Future for Christ's Kingdom?
What is the Scapegoat and Yom Kippur?
What is the TRUE name of Jesus!
What is the TRUE Nature of Humanity?
What will the New Jerusalem be like?
When is the Tribulation?
When will the Lion lay down with the Lamb?
When will the 3rd Jewish Temple be Built?
Who is Satan? Part 1 of 6 - Overview
Who is Michael the Archangel? Is he Jesus Christ?
Who is Satan? Part 2 of 6 - Lucifer, Leviathan, Hades
Who is Satan? Part 3 of 6 - Thanatos, Abaddon, Sammael and Lilith
Who is Satan? Part 4 of 6 - Satan, Tartarus, Baal, Beliar
Who is Satan? Part 5 of 6 - Azazel, Mastma, and the Devil
Who is Satan? Part 6 of 6 - Summary
Why are some animals UNCLEAN?
Why didn't Adam die in the day he ate the fruit?
Why don't Jews accept Jesus as Messiah?
Why I left my last church, Baptist, Protestant
Will Christ Reign on Earth? Zechariah
Will the Gospel be Preached to All Nations?
Without the Shedding of Blood
Topics for Research
A Brush with Heaven, Interview with Helen
After the Jehovah's Witnesses: John and Anne's Testimony
Anunaki in the Garden of Eden & Kerry Cassidy
Debunking Malcom Gladwell, Unheard Story of David and Goliath
Debunking Robert Breaker, How much longer till Jesus comes back?
Don Preston's Millennium Deconstructed
Dean Odle vs Preterism
Eschatology Discussion with Grant Mooney
Eschatology Round Table: Southeastern Seminary, a Preterist Response
Interview with Hilary: Catholicism, The Way International, and Finding Truth
Interview with Mary: Escaping the New Testament Christian Church, the NTCC
Laurie Anne's Testimony
LGBTQ+ Against God's Design? Progressive VS Conservative Christian - ANALYSIS
Naomi's Testimony, From Mormonism to Christ
Preterist vs. Futurist Debate, Response to Futurist Bruce Bennet
Response: Millennial Reign Already Happened? (Mud Flood & Tartaria), by Parable of the Vineyard
Sons of God Ministries, YHWH as Satan, DEBUNKED
Truth Comes with a High Price, an Interview with Pastor Joel
Tyler Doka Debunked, Aliens, The Tomorrow War, & The Bible
Un-Debunking Preterism with Dr. Brock Hollett and Joel Richardson
Walid Shoebat 666 the Number of the Beast of Revelation
What does the Final Experiment mean for Flat Earth? 24-hour Sun in Antarctica
What is Hebrew Roots? - a Christian's Criticism
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