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Walid Shoebat 666 the Number of the Beast of Revelation (Version 2)

Released: June 1, 2024
~ views as of June 1, 2024
What is Walid Shoebat's view of 666, the number of the Beast, given in Revelation 13:18? We will look into it and try to verify his views, and find out a little more about his history.
#walidshoebat #666 #revelation #beast

(version 2 addition is the section on Codex Vaticanus)

(0:06) Introduction
(1:57) Walid Shoebat's view of 666
(9:14) Checking the Codex Vaticanus
(16:18) Checking the Codex Sinaiticus
(23:29) Who is Walid Shoebat?
(28:21) CNN INterview 2011
(32:23) Walid's Brotherhood
(36:03) Egyptian Media
(37:53) Conclusions


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Walid Shoebat 666 the Number of the Beast of Revelation (Version 1)

This original version is the same as version 2, except for the section on Codex Vaticanus.

Released: November 18, 2023
811 views as of June 1, 2024
What is Walid Shoebat's view of 666, the number of the Beast, given in Revelation 13:18? We will look into it and try to verify his views, and find out a little more about his history.
#walidshoebat #666 #revelation #beast

(0:06) Introduction
(1:57) Walid Shoebat's view of 666
(9:17) Checking the Codex Sinaiticus
(16:26) Who is Walid Shoebat?
(21:19) CNN INterview 2011
(25:21) Walid's Brotherhood
(29:03) Egyptian Media
(30:51) Conclusions


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