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Cataclysm of Rome, Part 3: The Holy Roman Empire

Released: May 6, 2024
~ views on Youtube as of May 6, 2024
The Catholic Church and Rome was reborn as the Holy Roman Empire. What caused this entity to spring back to life after the supposed "Dark Ages"? Was this new church and monarchy a Christian organization?

#catholic #vatican #darkages

(0:06) Introduction
(2:27) Enter the Khazars
(8:37) Holy Roman Emperors
(13:24) Rebirth of the Roman Empire
(15:54) Retaking of Jerusalem
(18:29) The Papacy and Evil of the Dark Ages
(29:31) Owning the Big 3, Christianity, Islam, Judaism
(35:07) High Strangeness
(41:34) Catholicism or Paganism?
(54:42) Conclusions

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Outline Introduction Enter the Khazars The Papacy and the Evil of the Dark Ages Holy Roman Emperors Retaking Jerusalem The Legacy of the Holy Land Rebirth of the Roman Empire Owning the "Big Three" - Christianity, Islam, Judaism High Strangeness Catholicism or Pagansim Conclusions TItle "Cataclysm of Rome, Part 3: The Holy Roman Catholic Church" Introduction In part 2 of this series, the Cataclysm of Rome, we discovered how in the late 6th century, the Byzantine Emperors, in contract with Arabs, created the religion of Islam to be its militant wing. Islam then swept over the Christian lands of the eastern kingdom, conquering them in the name of Islam, and growing an ever-strengthening army that was able to hold power in those lands covertly for the Roman Catholic Church, and remove it from the hands of organic Christianity which had spread over the world like wildfire since the time of Jesus Christ and the beginning of the Kingdom of God. In this video, we will explore the next steps that the emperors and popes took to regain control of all the lands that had formerly been ruled by Rome, specifically in Europe. With north Africa, Persia, Arabia, and Egypt secured by the Muslims, they now turned their attention towards regaining Italy and the European lands that had been Christianized by apostolic missionaries, instead of adhering to the dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church. We will explore some interesting alliances and relationships that the popes made that gave them the power they needed to regain control in these "barbaric" lands of the Franks, the Saxons, the Vikings, and other peoples. This will all lead to the rebirth of a sadistic and pagan power structure, with the pope at its head. A phoenix that rises from the ashes of the "Dark Ages". The Holy Roman Empire. We will again in this video, drink from a firehose, so to speak. We are going over information that spans hundreds of years of history and territory from Europe to Africa. It is important to focus on the peoples and partnerships that are built over the centuries. And also, remember that this timeframe of history is one the most disputed in terms of chronology. Some light will be shed on the possibilities of what many call phantom time in this video. So let's get started. Enter the Khazars You might think "Why are we looking into the Khazars in a video on the Catholic Church?" The answer is because contrary to most people's understanding, the Khazarian kingdom became inextricably linked with the Roman Emperors during this time period. This relationship is the first that we need to explore to understand the coming centuries - what we call the "Dark Ages". By the early 700's, Islam had retaken the southern and eastern kingdom back for the Byzantine Empire. By the way, the Byzantine Empire was the Roman Empire. Once Rome was lost to the Arian-Christian Lombards in 568, only the Byzantine Empire remained. Also called the "Eastern Roman Empire", the kingdom was now headquartered in Constantinople in what we now call Turkey. (show "map byzantine 7th century 1.png") (show maps of islam retaking the kingdom) (show "map constantinople-world-map-2979101443.jpg") To the northeast of the Byzantine Kingdom, the Khazarian Kingdom loomed. It controlled the east-west trade route linking the orient and the north-south trade route linking the arabs and slavs with Byzantium. The Khazarians began to cause some problems for the Byzantine Emperor. For instance, in 711 a revolt, aided by the Khazars, broke out in Cherson, on the northern coast of the Black Sea. This area is modern-day Ukraine. (show "map khazaria-Chasaren.jpg") Having been exiled to Cherson, the Byzantine Emperor, Justinian II, made a truce with the Khazars to help him regain the Byzantine throne in Constantinople. He sealed the truce by marrying the daughter of Khazarian Khagan Basir. Her original Khazar name is unknown, but Justinian renamed her Theodora. The only way that this deal would have been struck, is if the Khazarian King Basir would be granted some power in the Byzantine Kingdom. It is only natural. Following suit, Emperor Constantine V, in 732, married another of Bihar's daughters named "Tzitzak", whom he promptly baptized and renamed "Irene." One interesting side-note, the modern Hasidic Jewish practice of Oral Suction Circumcision where blood from a baby's circumcision is consumed by rabbisis called "Metzitzah B'peh". You can see the relationship between the words "Tzitzak" and "Metzitzah", showing a direct etymological connection between them. This shows that the modern practice of blood drinking is directly connected to Khazarian Judaism. But I digress... Constantine and Irene (or Tzitzak) had a son Leo IV, who became Byzantine Emperor in 775 and was known as Leo the Khazar. Irene came to be called "Irene of Athens" and acutally ruled beyond the reign of Constantine V. When Leo IV died in 780, their son Constantine VI became emperor at age 9, with his mother, Irene as his regent. You can correctly assume that she was the one in control of the empire at this time. In 792, Constantine VI named Irene/Tzitzak as "empress" of the empire. In 797, empress Irene had Constantine captured, blinded, and imprisoned, and she took total control of the Byzantine empire for herself. Now, another note... historians now disconnect the supplanter Tzitzak/Irene from her further rule, claiming "Irene of Athens" was not Tzitzak the Khazarian, who married Leo IV and subsequently took control in Byzantium. But this seems to be historically unclear, and more likely that both "Irene/Tzitzak" and "Irene of Athens" were, in fact, one and the same. Rather than believing there were 2 coincidentally named Irenes from different places in back-to-back imperial reigns within the same family. (show "tzitzak dune-bene-gesserit-1-4208283977.jpg") (show "tzitzak 86944683-3e0a-4087-a833-0f53fabdd0de-bene-gesserit-new-dune-413174820.jpeg") (show movie dune 20:27,22:48) (show movie dune'84 05:46) Regardless, you can see how the Byzantium and Khazarian kingdoms became intertwined during the 8th century. Writings from the 9th and 10th centuries give testimony that the Khazars also adopted Judaism in this same time period. Svyatoslav, the ruler of Kiev, launched a campaign against the Khazars (965), Khazar power was crushed. But by this time, the Khazarians were intertwined with the Holy Roman Empire and the Papacy. "THE GOLDEN AGE OF POPERY WAS THE IRON AGE OF THE WORLD, AND ITS UNIVERSAL REIGN WOULD BE THE IRON AGE RESTORED!" As late as the 16th century, we see Pope Leo X showing special favours to the Jews and allowing them to establish a Hebrew printing-press in Rome. This press produced manuscripts of the Babylonian Talmud to be distributed to Jews throughout the world. Holy Roman Emperors The name "Holy Roman Emperors" is a bit of a convoluted misnomer, as the emperors of the "Dark Ages" in many cases were not holy, or were not Roman, or were not even official emperors. This period in history is cloudy and obscure - likely with good reason. We will talk more about why that may be later on. There are 2 specific emperors I want to focus on, for the purposes of this video, as they were likely the most influential emperors of the Dark Ages, no matter who you ask. These are Charlemagne, and Otto the Great. Carolingians, Charlemagne 753 Lombards threaten Rome, and take Ravenna, Pope Stephen II (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Stephen_II) flees to France, makes a deal to grant legitimacy to Pepin if he would help repel the Lombards. Pepin is anointed by the pope as the "chosen of the Lord", sons Charlemagne and Carloman were also anointed by the Pope, royal heirs to western Europe. Pepin moved his military to Italy to protect it against the Lombards in 755, 756. 756 The Donation of Pepin, grants the Papacy a strip of land in northern and central Italy 768 Pepin dies, kingdom divided between Charlemagne and Carloman 774 Charlemagne joins battle to take Pavia in Northern Italy back from the Lombards, to reassert Papal authority over the lands that Pepin the Short (CM's father) had given to the papacy (Donation of Pepin). Lombard King Desiderius surrenders to CM. CM annexes Lombardy in the name of the Pope. CM seizes the Lombard crown and starts using the title "King of the Lombards". Annexation of Germany, mass killings, mass deportations, broken truces. Population was "FORCED" to accept "Christianity". CM's legacy in Germany is "more controversial" than in France. During the time of the [[153|Nazis]] CM was debated. 780 Another campaign against the Saxons in Germany, 780. Forced Saxons into a mass baptism. 782 The Massacre of Verden was an event during the Saxon Wars where the Frankish king Charlemagne ordered the death of 4,500 Saxons in October 782. in what is now Lower Saxony, Germany. This history has caused Germans and some Britons to typically hold a severely negative view of Charlemagne as a historical figure. The National Socialist (or Nazi) Party in Germany initially portrayed Charlemagne as an enemy of Germany, a French ruler who had worked to take away the freedom and native religion of the German people. Otto the Great - Start of the Holy Roman Empire? After putting down a brief civil war among the rebellious duchies, Otto defeated the Magyars at the Battle of Lechfeld in 955, thus ending the Hungarian invasions of Western Europe.[3] The victory against the pagan Magyars earned Otto a reputation as a savior of Christendom and secured his hold over the kingdom. By 961, Otto had conquered the Kingdom of Italy. Following the example of Charlemagne's coronation as "Emperor of the Romans" in 800, Otto was crowned emperor in 962 by Pope John XII in Rome. That same year, Otto entered an agreement with Pope John XII, called the "Diploma Ottonianam, Privilegium Ottonianum," which confirmed the Donation of Pepin (of Charlemagne's day) which established the papal state. This meant that the papacy owned and controlled land in Italy, and is the precursor to the land agreements that secure Vatican City to the Papacy in modern times. Otto's agreement with the papacy established the rule by which all future emperors would relate to the pope. Rebirth of the Roman Empire With the renewed control over the lands of Western Europe, the retaking of the lands of Italy from the Lombards, the establishment of the Papal State in Italy, and the re-established bonds between the popes and the emperors; the papacy became something altogether much like its historical predecessor, the Roman Empire. This was now called the "Holy Roman Empire". Born out of the ashes of the Dark Ages, emerging with an second iron-fisted rule over the known world, we can see this as a Rebirth of the Roman Empire. Crest of the Holy Roman Empire - Phoenix - "out of the flames of the destruction of the Roman Empire" (two headed eagle crest) Rebirth of Rome This should also give you a renewed understanding as to why the elite of europe use the symbol of the flaming Phoenix rising from the ashes in their rituals. (show 2012 London Closing Ceremony - 2:59:11 - Phoenix rising) The Popes were working towards reviving something, bringing something back that had been lost. You may ask "What was it, besides the Roman Empire?" Retaking Jerusalem The First Crusade started as a grass-roots pilgrimage from France and Germany (Franks and Germanics). Pope Gregory VII had called twice for a crusade to the holy lands, specifically in recovering the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. He said that eastern Christians were suffering, and that western Christians had a moral obligation to help. Byzantine Pope Urban II convened the Council of Piacenza in 1095. The council addressed the Investiture Controversy, which was really the attempt of the Catholic Church to have power to install bishops throughout Europe and the Mediterranean. Byzantine emperor Alexius I Komnenos sent ambassadors to this "church council" to seek the aid of the western Christian knights against the Seljuk Turks that had been invading the Byzantine lands for some time, specifically Anatolia/Turkey. Pope Urban gave a speech on 27 November 1095 at the conclusion of the Council, where he summoned the attending nobility and the people to wrest the Holy Land, and the eastern churches generally, from the control of the Seljuk Turks. Urban promised forgiveness and pardon for all of the past sins of those who would fight to reclaim the holy land from Muslims and free the eastern churches. This was the speech that triggered the Crusades, and turned them from a pilgrimage, into a military campaign. The Holy Land was kept under control by the crusaders only until 1291, when it was lost back to Muslims in the Siege/Fall of Acre. Was the Crusade a true attempt to regain the Holy Lands for some altruistic, righteous goal? Or was this a back-handed way to not only to take control of the most holy site of the 3 largest world religions, but to gain control of the most active trade routes in the world, between Europe and the far East? As you evaluate the actions of the Catholic Church and the Papacy, if you look with the perspective of a struggle for power, everything will fall into place. The motive matches the outcome every time. The Papacy and the Evil of the Dark Ages The "Dark Ages" ...of Chrstianity Show map... of Barbarian/Germanic controlled lands. Show Byzantium... These are the people that wrote the histories of this time period. These are the people that curated the history that both you and your children were taught all through your years of schooling. From 875 onward, popes claimed the right to confirm the Emperors. And many popes during this time were heralded as bishops of not just Rome, but bishops of the World. Evil Popes in History of the Catholic Church http://localhost/deeptree/content.php?i=21839 Adrian II, John VIII, Marinus, 867-884. These were the first of the dark popes of the time frame of the 9th to the 11th centuries, called by historians the midnight of the dark Ages. Popes like these began to be known for bribery, corruption, immorality, and bloodshed. John VIII would pay bishops to twist Christian doctrines. He punished people by forcing them to commit assassinations for him. He was called "a monster of blood and cruelty". Sergius III, 904-911 A.D., had a mistress, Marosia. She and her sister and mother Theodora had many illicit affairs, and raised their bastard children to the papal throne. The 19th century protestants called this period as a "pornocracy" and the "rule of the harlots." John X, 914-928, was brought from Ravenna to Rome and made pope by Theodora for the convenient gratification of her passions. But he was smothered to death by her daughter Marosia, who then raised one of her bastard sons to become pope. John XI, 931 The bastard son of pope Sergius III and Maroszia. Marozia's bastard sons were appointed as the four next popes. John XII, 955-963, became the pope at age 18. Guilty of most every crime, he violated virgins and widows alike, and turned the papal palace into a brothel. He was accused of murder, perjury, sacrilege and incest with his own sisters by Emperor Otto the Great, who excommunicated him from the papacy. It is said by many historians that this line of bastards broke the apostolic succession of the popal authority, and that it could never be recovered. Historian Johann Mosheim, said in reference to the tenth century: “ The history of the Roman pontifls that lived in this century,” says he, “is a history of so many MONSTERS, AND NOT OF MEN, and EXIIBITS A HORRIBLE SERIES OF THE MOST FLAGITIOUS, TREMENDOUS, AND COMPLICATED CRIMES, as all writers, even those of the Romish communion, unanimously confess.” (Vol. i1., 390.) Boniface VII, 984-985, murdered pope John XIV, took the Papal throne by giving away stolen money to secure the position. The bishop of Orleans called him and his descendants "monsters of guilt reeking in blood and filth; Antichrist sitting in the Temple of God." Benedict VIII, 1012-1024, simply bought the office of pope. John XIX, 1024-1033, also bought the papacy; he claimed to have passed through all the clerical degrees of study in one day. Benedict IX, 1033-1045, was made pope as teenager. And soon had committed murders and adulteries in broad daylight and robbed Christian pilgrims. The people drove him out of Rome multiple times, and he returned each time. He sold the position of pope to his successor. Desiderius describes him as “abandoned to all manner of vice. A successor of Simon THE soRCERER, and not of Simon the Apostle.” Gregory VI, 1045-1046, had two rival popes: Benedict IX, and Sylvester III. Rome swarmed with assassins hired by these popes; Christian pilgrims were violated and robbed; the churches were desecrated with bloodshed. This adultery and fornication of the clergy degenerated, in many instances, into incest and other abominations of the grossest kind. Some priests, according to the council of Mentz in 888, ‘ had sons by their own sisters.* (Edgar, 516, 17.) In the tenth and eleventh centuries, concubinage was openly practised by the clergy, and it was regarded by popes and prelates as a far less crime to keep a concubine than to marry a wife. “Any person, clergyman or layman, according to the couneil of Toledo in its seventeenth canon, who has not a wife but a concubine, is not to be repelled from the communion, if he be content with one. First Council of Toledo, 400 A.D. The enactment of the council and the Pope has been inserted in the Romish body of the Canon Law edited by Gratian and Pithou. Canon 17 of Toledo - "17 If a Christian has a believing wife and also a concubine, he may not be admitted to communion; but if he has no wife and only one concubine, he may be admitted.[e]" Fornication therefore is sanctioned by a Spanish council, a Roman pontiff, and the canon law. Fornication, in this manner, was, in the clergy, not only tolerated but also preferred to matrimony. Costerus- Concubinage, the Jesuit grants, is sinful; but less aggravated, he maintains, than marriage. Campeggio- An eeclesiastic, rather than marry, should, according to this precious divine, keep a seraglio. (Edgar, 520.) During these dark ages, the Scriptures were almost entirely unknown, not only among the laity, but even among the great majority of the clergy. Those of the priests who had some acquaintance with the sacred books labored hard to conceal from the eyes of the people a volume which so plainly condemned their vicious lives and _ their anti-seriptural doctrines and ceremonies. During these dark ages, it is to be remembered, the forged decretals, and the spurious donation of the emperor Constantine, were universally received as genuine, and constantly appealed to in proof of the assumptions of the popes. Donation of Constantine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donation_of_Constantine The Donation of Constantine (Latin: Donatio Constantini) is a forged Roman imperial decree by which the 4th-century emperor Constantine the Great supposedly transferred authority over Rome and the western part of the Roman Empire to the Pope. Composed probably in the 8th century, it was used, especially in the 13th century, in support of claims of political authority by the papacy. During these dark ages, it is to be remembered, the forged decretals, and the spurious donation of the emperor Constantine, were universally received as genuine, and constantly appealed to in proof of the assumptions of the popes. (Dowling, p224) ...the celebrated False Decretals,and the Donation of Constantine, which appeared about the close of the eighth century, and by which, during the whole of the three centuries of this midnight of the world, the arrogant pretensions of the pontiffs were established and maintained. The object of these decretals, as they were called, was to persuade the multitude that, in the first ages of the church, the bishops of Rome were possessed of the same spiritual majesty and authority as they now assumed. They consisted of a pretended collection of rescripts and decrees of various bishops of Rome, from the second to the fifth centuries, and other forged acts, published with great ostentation and parade, in the ninth century, with the name prefixed, of Isidore, bishop of Seville, to make the world believe they had been collected by that learned prelate, some two or three centuries before. (Dowling, p182) The popes forged epistles (image "forged epistles 1.jpg") History of Romanism by Dowling http://localhost/deeptree/content.php?i=23283 Chatper IV - Profligate popes and clergy Excommunication and Interdict p226 This was the mainspring of the machinery that the clergy set in motion, the lever by which they moved the world. From the moment that these interdicts and excommunications had been tried, the powers of the earth might be said to have existed only by sufferance. During the pontificates of Gregory VIL, Innocent HI., and_ their successors, While Popery sat on the throne of the earth and wielded the sceptre of the world, "the golden age of Popery" Hence it is not to be wondered at that the Roman Catholic historian, Dupin, and others, should refer in terms of the highest complacency to this age. The printing press (spread of information, the Bible) is what brought the world out of the dark ages of popery. Owning the "Big Three" - Christianity, Islam, Judaism Over the centuries since the dark ages, the Catholic Church has solidified its hidden hand behind the 3 largest religions on earth. Christianity is openly ruled from the papal throne. Agreements and connections to Islam are maintained through secret communications between the pope and the highest ranking Muslim imams. The most affluent Khazarian Jews have continued their symbiotic relationship with the papacy for protection in exchange for control of financial systems throughout the world. Catholicism has Christianity in its pocket. Christianity is controlled. The Catholic Ecumenical movement has enveloped Christianity across the entire world, including throughout protestant denominations. Through the ecumenical teachings of Billy Graham, Robert Schuler, Rick Warren, Rob Bell, Stephen Furtik; Christianity has been pushed to a place of tolerance for the Catholic faith, and to an extent, the supremacy of the Pope. Most protestants, though not Catholic in practice, feel the Pope is an authority figure in Christendom. (video of billy graham saying there are multiple ways to god D:\Deeptree\static\storage\billy_graham_says_jesus_christ_is_not_the_only_way__265) Islam is under the control of the Catholic Church. Islam is controlled. Catholic church re-aligns with Islam Mosques and Churches together (photos) Pope Visits Islam http://localhost/deeptree/content.php?i=1261 (show images for each) Pope Francis and Dr Ahmed Al Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al Azhar, embrace at the signing of the Document on Human Fraternity at the Founders Memorial in Abu Dhabi on February 4, 2019. AFP https://azure.islamicity.org/22049/abu-dhabi-mosque-church-and-synagogue-in-one-setting/ {{UAE-VATICAN-RELIGION-POPE-ISLAM.jpg}} Pope Arrives In UAE, meets Grand Imam of Al Azhar Al Sharif FEBRUARY 4, 2019 {{Grand Imam of Al Azhar Al Sharif-2116091415.jpg}} Pope Francis Meets 4 Imams To Open A Christian-Muslim Dialogue Pope Francis told the imams that listening to each other was essential for the common future of humanity as we walk together in our shared lives. {{pope-meets-imams.jpg}} Imam Soharwardy meets Pope Francis in the Vatican http://www.islamicsupremecouncil.com/imam-soharwardy-meets-pope-francis-in-the-vatican/ {{Imam-Soharwardy-meets-Pope-Francis-3-1924335857.jpg}} World on 'precipice', says Pope as he meets grand imam in Bahrain https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/11/world-precipice-says-pope-he-meets-grand-imam-bahrain {{imam in bahrain-pope.jpg}} Meet the Imam who sat next to the pope | Deacon Greg Kandra https://www.patheos.com/blogs/deaconsbench/2015/10/meet-the-imam-who-sat-next-to-the-pope/ {{imam greg kandra pope.jpg}} His Holiness Pope Francis Meets Ayatullah Sayyid al-Sistani - IMAM-US.org https://imam-us.org/pope-francis-meets-ayatullah-sayyid-al-sistani {{GrandAyatullahSistani_PopeFrancis_3-6-2021-600x338-2317342699.jpg}} Pope in Azerbaijan: Respect Differences https://thetablet.org/pope-in-azerbaijan-respect-differences/ {{azerbaijan5-pope-imam-1991073162.jpg}} SHOW VIDEO - (Video "D:\Deeptree\static\storage\catholic_church_created_islam_1261\Pope Arrives In UAE meets Grand Imam of Al Azhar Al Sharif_360p.mp4") Jews can go to heaven Judaism is controlled. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/pope-francis-and-the-renunciation-of-jewish-conversion December 16, 2015 - Last week, however, the Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews issued a solemn renunciation: “the Catholic Church neither conducts nor supports any specific institutional mission work directed towards Jews.” The statement was taken as a blithe reassurance that, in the words of a Slate headline, “Jews Can Go to Heaven,” National Catholic Reporter https://www.ncronline.org/blogs/francis-chronicles/pope-francis-inside-every-christian-jew Underscoring the close ties between Christianity and Judaism and calling Holocaust denial "madness," Pope Francis told an interviewer that "inside every Christian is a Jew." Dave Bateman Claims Pope Francis Is Jewish Agent to Distribute Vaccine A former Utah tech executive and prominent GOP donor said Tuesday that he believed Pope Francis was secretly a Jewish agent installed to help distribute the COVID-19 vaccine around the world in an effort to create "totalitarian rule." Everybody is included, in the Catholic Church, or "in the Catholic reign of Order". Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven Wednesday 11 September 2013 18:16 BST (image file:///D:/DeepTree/static/storage/catholicism_1251\dont have to believe in god.jpg) “You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those who don’t believe and who don’t seek the faith. I start by saying – and this is the fundamental thing – that God’s mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere and contrite heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience. “Sin, even for those who have no faith, exists when people disobey their conscience.” This is the heart of Ecumenism. No doctrines, no barriers between religions, no heresies,... everyone, religious or not, is welcome. Those of you that have attended protestant churches in America know this concept very well. Get people into the church, regardless of their lifestyle. Show them a concert, give them a cup of joe. Shake their hand and welcome them all in. High Strangeness Jewish coincidences... 536 The worst year in history 541 Plague of Justinian, Black Death/Bubonic Plague 598 Pope Gregory I writes a letter saying the church had a duty to protect the Jews, despite their condemnation of Christ 610 Rise of Islam 703 Emperor Justinian II marries Theodora of Khazaria 726 Emperor Constantine V marries Tzitzak of Khazaria 756 The Papacy is granted land in Italy 775 Leo IV the Khazar becomes Byzantine Emperor 797 Empress Irene (Tzitzak?) of the Byzantine Empire 860 Khazars accept Judaism, and marry into the Byzantine Empire/Papacy 650 Writing of the Talmud 1099 First Crusade, Siege of Jerusalem 1100 Emergence of Kabbalah, the Bashir, Nachmanides, the Zohar (1200s) Black Death The Black Death, or Bubonic Plague, has occurred only 3 times according to history. (pictures of buboes) In 542, the so-called Plague of Justinian threatened the whole known world, killing up to a fifth of the population, around 50 milliion people. In 1346, the plague started in Crimea, and killed nearly half of Europe's population. In 1894, the plague began in China and spread over India as well, killing 15 million. In his history of the First Plague Pandemic, Procopius suggested that Justinian I may have created the plague himself. During the second plague pandemic, Jews were seen as the cause of the Black Death plague that spread in the 1300's. People noticed that Jews did not seem to be dying from it, so they rose up and killed thousands of Jews in retaliation throughout Europe. In 2013, researchers confirmed earlier speculation that the cause of the plague of Justinian was Yersinia pestis, the same bacterium responsible for the Black Death (1346–1353). Was Charlemagne (reign 768-814) and the Carolingian dynasty real? Phantom Time proponents do not think so. Heribert Illig proposes that Charlemagne did not exist, but was an idealistic king-emperor created by the papacy to gain legitimacy. Illig hypothesizes a conspiracy by the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, and Pope Sylvester II, to fabricate the Anno Domini dating system, in order to place them at the special year of AD 1000, and to rewrite history to legitimize Otto's claim to the Holy Roman Empire. This hypothesis would basically remove 300 years from our timeline, putting us currently at about the year 1724 since Christ was born. I do feel that the theory is good and well supported by evidence in archeology and other disciplines. The main thing to recognize here, whether this theory is true or not, is that the Papacy was desperate to consolidate power in Europe. The only way it could do this was by using their religious authority, and combining that with the military might of kings to reconquer all the lost lands of the Roman Empire. Catholicism or Pagansim Original, apostolic Christianity was very simple. It was centered around Christians gathering together for praise and worship, and building each other up. There was a loose structure of a pastor or teacher, deacons, and the lay-people of the churches. But the authority of each church was Christ Himself. No church had authority over another. They were autonomous. The church grew organically. There were no church buildings to speak of. There is something very sobering about the practices of the Catholic Church. When we step back, and examine the different rituals of the Papacy, we see some amazing correlation with other ancient religions. Temples - Churches The temples of ancient pagan cultures became the churches of the Catholic religion. Priests - Bishops The priests of the mesopotamian gods became the bishops of the Catholic church. Intermediary - Confessions Confessions are made to priests. When the Bible plainly says that we are all priests, and Jesus is our High Priest under God. Rituals - Rituals Everything in the Catholic church is done with ritual. The only rituals Christ participated in was Baptism by immersion, and the Passover feast. Sexual debauchery - Sexual debauchery Sexual corruption is so common in the Catholic church among priests and bishops, that it almost seems to be the rule and not the exception. Sacrifices - Paying Penance Blood drinking - Transubstantiation Since Catholics believe that the wine of the Eucharist becomes the actual blood of Christ, there is a strong connection to the blood-drinking of ancient pagans in honor of their deities. Goddess worship - Mary worship Catholics worship the blessed virgin Mary, which was never commanded by Christ, and seems exactly like the goddess worship of the Roman cults. Weeping for Tammuz - Ash Wednesday The practice of covering yourself with ashes and weeping on the vernal equinox, is similar in practice and timing to the practice of weeping for the ancient Babylonian god Tammuz, or Baal. This practice was explicitly condemned in the Bible in Ezekiel 8:14. Astarte worship - Easter Early Christians celebrated the resurrection of Christ, the passover lamb, at the same time that Jews had celebrated Passover. The Roman Catholic church changed both the schedule of this celebration to be close to the spring equinox, and named it "Easter" which derives its name from the Babylonian goddess Astarte. This is why fertility is part of the celebration with rabbits and eggs. Winter Solstice - Christmas The Roman Catholic Church made Christmas coincide with the Winter Solstice, which was the time that the pagan holiday Saturnalia was originally celebrated. A time of the loss of inhibitions, and excessive gluttony. (show image progression of the gods 1) (show image progression of the gods 2) While the practices definitely have the stench of paganism, also we can see from the progression of pagan idol worship through the ancient religions, that all the major ancient gods and goddesses were based on the idea of the sun and the moon. In Mesopotamia the sun god was Tammuz, and the moon goddess was Inanna. In Babylon, Dagon was the sun and Lilith or Ishtar was the moon. In Egypt, Osiris was the sun and Isis was the moon. In Greece, Dionysus was the sun and Aphrodite the moon. In Rome, Adonis or Zeus was the sun, and Venus was the moon. The Sun is the male or phallus, the Moon is the female receiver. Catholicism takes and uses the image of the sun in much of its iconography. Islam uses the image of the moon as its representative symbol. As you know from our last video, the religion of Islam was created at the hands of the Roman Emperors and the Catholic Church. A perfect symbolic counterpart to Catholicism. In the 1807 book "History of Romanism", Baptist Pastor John Dowling tells us about the Papacy's stance on centers of pagan worship. Dowling, p228 (Pope) Gregory, as before mentioned (see above, page 130), wrote to Augustin, now raised to the dignity of archbishop, directing him, as we are informed by the Venerable Bede, not to destroy the heathen temples of the Anglo-Saxons, but only to remove the images of their gods, to wash the walls with holy-water, to erect altars, and deposit relics in them, and so convert them into Christian churches : and this, not only to save the expense of building new ones, but that the people might be more easily prevailed upon to frequent those places of worship to which they had been accustomed. He directs him further to accommodate the Christian worship, as much as possible, to those of the heathen, that the people might not be so much startled at the change; and, in particular, he advises him to allow the Christian converts, on certain festivals, to kill and eat a great number of oxen to the glory of God, as they had formerly done to the honor of the devil. So in this way, pagan worship was never done away with, but instead simply absorbed into the church's practices. This was done to appease the people and allow the continuance of their traditional pagan practices, instead of conformity to the practices of the apostles written in the Scriptures. Sexual abuse It is worth mentioning also that the Catholic church has always been rife with sexual corruption, mainly centered around the papacy and the leadership of the church. We have already talked about the debauchery of the papacy in the middle ages and following into the Renaissance period, but even in the modern times the church struggles to keep its head above water, in a sea of sexual corruption by its leadership. The Archdiocese of New York is currently under a years-long litigation of over 1,500 abuse cases that span the last 60 years. Over 100 clergy have been allegedly involved in child abuse within the church walls. https://archny.org/ministries-and-offices/child-protection/list/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/court-ruling-allows-insurer-to-pursue-lawsuit-against-archdiocese-of-new-york-over-sexual-abuse-claims/ar-AA1nW7JJ https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/ny-archdiocese-releases-list-of-120-priests-accused-of-sex-abuse-or-other-acts/1554398/ https://www.bishop-accountability.org/2024/04/court-ruling-for-insurer-a-devastating-loss-for-n-y-archdiocese/ https://medicalkidnap.com/2018/10/23/whistleblowing-priests-killed-to-expose-pedophilia-problem-in-the-catholic-church/ It is also interesting that catholic churches seem to have no shortage of art that may depict the sexual abuse of children. Catholic Imagery of Oral Sex with Children (image pedo signal-2021-07-27-091757.jpg) (photo "pedo-4") ("pedo-stained glass 1") ("pedo statue 1") ("pedo-3-361416389.jpg") Nuns used crucifixes to rape girls during decades of abuse carried out by clergy in France's Catholic Church that saw attacks on 330,000 children covered up 'by a veil of silence', damning report finds. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10059827/Major-report-expose-sex-abuse-Frances-Catholic-Church.html (photo "article-nuns rape girls 1") And Pope Francis was seen wearing an outfit with the "boy love" pedophilia symbol on his lapel. This was at the Holy Mass of the World Day, January 27th of 2019, at Campo San Juan Pablo, in Panama. (photo "pope francis pedo 1") (photo "pope francis pedo 2") (photo "pope francis pedo 3") (photo "pope francis pedo 4") Ninth Circle Many testimonies have come out in recent years about the Vatican being at the center of a world-wide pedophile and child sacrifice ring. A former member of "Octopus" - a criminal drug cartel in the Netherlands - and other witnesses have stated that child sacrifices occurred regularly in the Vatican, catacombs of Catholic cathedrals, private estates, groves and government military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and United States. I encourage you to visit the website 50voices.org to learn more and hear from victims own mouths the stories of their ritual abuse at the hands of these traffickers. All of this evidence for the corruption of the papacy and the complete simliarity of the Roman Catholic Church with pagan religion, it must make us wonder if perhaps the church is simply a front for an orthodox pagan religion, that has more in common with the Canaanites of the time of Moses and Joshua than it has to do with Christ or the apostles who founded the Christian Church. Conclusions We have now seen how the Papacy struggled to regain power in Europe, even after amassing an Islamic army to help them take back the lands of Palestine, Persia, Arabia, and Africa. A combination of alliances, forged documents, treachery, and deals with mighty military kings helped the papacy regain the footing it had lost to the spread of the true Christianity of Christ and the appostles throughout the known world. We have seen how the Khazars also got involved with the Papacy, intermingling themselves with the Byzantine emperors through marraige and military alliance, to protect their kingdom and gain power throughout the Byzantine Empire. We saw that the Crusades were started by the Popes and turned from a pilgrimage, into a military re-taking of Jerusalem, and an all-out war against the Muslims and Jews by the Christians. We have now seen how the Catholic Church is about as close as you can get to a pagan religion in its symbolism and its practices, and that it is either corrupt from the top down, or is simply practicing its worship of pagan deities in secret, behind closed doors. With all that we now know, I want to ask you, do you know who we have been studying this whole time? Whose hidden hand was moving through this history with the evil popes and emperors that made this all possible? Why, it is Satan himself, of course. You have just seen how the hand of Satan and his dark forces, moved the popes and emperors to re-constitute the Roman Empire, from the ashes of its fall. They rebuilt it not into an overt military power, but as the one religion to rule them all. With control of the 3 biggest religions in the world, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam; this is the platform from which Satan planned to launch his conquest of the world under one rule, one government, one theocracy to blanket the entire human race. In the next and final part of this series, we will take a broad look at how everything that we have covered in the first three parts fits together into history. What do we see when we step back to the 10,000 foot view and see it all playing out on the stage of history? A lot of things will become very clear when we do this. Our timeline may become a bit clearer. So thank you for your time watching, and be on the lookout for the final video, the cataclysm of rome, part 4: Fixing our Timeline. God bless.

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