Released: October 9, 2020
349 views on Youtube as of March 29, 2022
Is the book of Revelation allegorical? Symbolic? If we come to it with new eyes...
#revelation #endtimes #eschatology #prophecy
(00:00:00) - Introduction
(00:02:36) - Sections of the Book
(00:07:21) - Greeting
(00:10:49) - The Vision Begins
(00:14:37) - The Churches
(00:17:42) - The Throne of God
(00:20:08) - Who is Worthy?
(00:23:25) - The Seven Seals
(00:28:56) - The Remnant Sealed
(00:33:45) - The Seventh Seal
(00:35:07) - The Seven Trumpets
(00:39:12) - The Seven Thunders & Little Book
(00:42:04) - Tribulation & 2 Witnesses
(00:43:14) - The Seventh Trumpet
(00:44:29) - Woman, Child & Dragon
(00:48:30) - Beast of Sea & Beast of Land
(00:53:51) - The Redeemed & The Gospel
(00:55:44) - The Reaping
(00:57:14) - The Seven Vials/Plauges
(01:01:52) - Woman & Beast, Explained
(01:06:55) - Babylon is Fallen
(01:11:40) - After, Satan Bound, Millennium
(01:15:29) - New Heaven
(01:16:16) - Coming Quickly
(01:18:11) - Summary