The Nephilim were the offspring of the Watchers, a group of angels who left their holy position under God, and mated with human women, in the days of Jared (crica 4,000 BC). This mating produced the Nephilim, a hybrid human-angel breed of physical giants that ranged from 7 feet tall to 50 feet tall. The disembodied spirits of Nephilim who have died are what we call demons.
Abraham Lincoln, 1848
"The eyes of that species of extinct Giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now."
Photos of Giants
References to the Watchers and Nephilim
- Genesis 6:1-4 (watchers, nephilim)
- Numbers 13:33 (nephilim)
- Deuteronomy 2:11 (nephilim, Og of Bashan)
- Deuteronomy 3:11 (nephilim, Goliath of Gath)
- 2 Samuel 21:19 (nephilim, Goliath, Rapha)
- Joshua 11:22 (nephilim)
- Ezekiel 32:27 (nephilim)
- Jude 1:6-7 (watchers)
- 1 Enoch 6:1-7
- 1 Enoch 7:1-5
- 1 Enoch 8
- 1 Enoch 9
- 1 Enoch 10
- 1 Enoch 12
- 1 Enoch 13
- 1 Enoch 14
- 1 Enoch 15
- 1 Enoch 16
- 1 Enoch 19:1
- 1 Enoch 85-90
- 2 Enoch 18:3-4
- Jubilees 4:22
- Jubilees 4:15
- Jubilees 5:6-12
- Jubilees 5:19
- Jubilees 7:21-22
- Jubilees 10:8-9
- Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, Reuben 5, 18-20
- Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, 1.3.1
- Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, 1.72-75, Chp. 3 footnote 11
- Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book 5:2:3
- Philo’s Commentary, Concerning the Giants, On the Giants II: 6-9
- Philo, “Questions and Answers on Genesis, part 4, note 92
- Philo “Works of Philo Judaeus” by Charles Duke Yonge
- Jasher 4:15-18
- Book/Fragment of Noah
- Dead Sea Scrolls, Book of Noah, Arslan Tash (KAI 27.II) (“sons of god”)
- Dead Sea Scrolls, Book of Giants read
- Karatepe (KAI 26.A.III.19) (“sons of god”)
- Ammonite inscription of the 9th century found in Amman, Jordan (“sons of god”)
- Aramaic Targumim of the Pentateuch
- Hulin section of the Berakthoth, or Babylonian Talmud
- Midrash Abkir
Newspaper Clippings from North America, 1800's and 1900's