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The Travels of Marco Polo

Written by Marco Polo himself, he writes of many encounters with the Tartars, all through Asia and Siberia. The primary ruler of them being Kublai Khan, with whom Marco Polo meets, and who asks him to bring Catholic bishops into the land of the Tartars to teach the people about Christianity.

The Tartars are described as a fierce nation of honorable warriors. Their king kept tight control over the lands of Siberia, but also kept peace. He was not necessarily Christian, but acknowledged the God of the Christians as most powerful and wanted Christianity for his people.

This information is stricken from most information online.

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Marco Polo in Tartaria
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Just recently I discovered a Russian book from the 1400's that is a 3-volume set on the history of Tartaria, and I found out that the Tartarians worshipped pagan idols. Not Jesus Christ. It was not the millennial kingdom.



Related: Phantom Time, Missing History, World's Fairs


1725 book with hand-drawn images https://archive.org/details/Entwurffeinerhi00Fisc/page/n1/mode/2up

Quest Logos

TARTARIA - Mud Floods - Star Forts - Orphan Trains - Stolen History Explained


"Tartary, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and west: this is called Great Tartary. The Tartars who lie south of Muscovy and Siberia, are those of Astracan, Circassia, and Dagistan, situated north-west of the Caspian-sea; the Calmuc Tartars, who lie between Siberia and the Caspian-sea; the Usbec Tartars and Moguls, who lie north of Persia and India; and lastly, those of Tibet, who lie north-west of China." - Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. III, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887.

Book "Empires, Kingdoms and States"

And to add some credibility (or to take away some) to the story, below you can find an excerpt from the CIA document declassified in 1998, and created in 1957.
Link to the document on the CIA website: NATIONAL CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT UNDER COMMUNISM https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/cia-rdp78-02771r000200090002-6

1855 Source: https://href.li/?https://books.google.com/books?id=lOvQAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA434#v=onepage&q&f=false

The Coverup​
The official history is hiding a major world power which existed as late as the 19th century. Tartary was a country with its own flag, its own government and its own place on the map. Its territory was huge, but somehow quietly incorporated into Russia, and some other countries. This country you can find on the maps predating the second half of the 19th century.

Ghengis Kahn?

Tamerlane the Great?


Search on Archive.org for appropriate world's fair books

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