Released: February 13, 2021
823 views on Youtube as of March 28, 2022
(00:02:40) - Outline
(00:04:24) - Defining Original Sin
(00:09:50) - John Calvin
(00:15:38) - Martin Luther
(00:22:41) - Augustine
(00:27:20) - Mani
(00:38:43) - Judaism
(00:42:18) - Dangers of Doctrine
(00:46:24) - Man's Fall Explained
(00:56:10) - Bad Defenses of Original Sin
(01:08:16) - Summary
Original Sin, what is it? Do you know where this doctrine came from? Do you know why you belive it? Let's re-examine this foundational doctrine to see where it came from and if the Bible actually supports it.
#originalsin #totaldepravity #johncalvin #martinluther #augustine