The Dead Sea Scrolls are a set of scrolls, fragments of papyrus, scrolls, etc., found in the caves of Qumran, along the cliffs of the northwest corner of the Dead Sea, in Israel. They were first discovered by a Bedouin shepherd in 1947. The manuscripts from Cave 1 were 1,000 years older than any known manuscripts at the time, dating back to about 500 B.C.
It is commonly asserted by scholars throughout the world that the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls has changed the way we view the Bible and the Christian and Jewish faiths forever.
In the Rockefeller Museum in Jordanian-controlled East Jerusalem. Roland De Vaux wanted tight control of the scroll work, because (some said) the Catholic Church wanted to supress controversial passages in the scrolls. Author Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh support the view of the Catholic cover-up. Catholic "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" is the department of the Vatican in charge of controlling the message and interpreting archeological discoveries like the scrolls. John Allegro, first to publish his work on the scrolls, said that De Vaux was replacing all the workers on the scrolls with Catholic adherents. John Allegro made a film for the BBC in 1947, about the Dead Sea Scrolls.
See the "War Scroll" from the essenes. It details war strategy and instruments/weapons, but also speaks of angels fighting beside troops. Talks about the wars with the Romans.
John Allegro opened a copper scroll, which listed a detailed number of treasures including gold and silver and accoutrements. Also included were instructions to find the treasures. He even went to excavate the treasures according to the location on the scroll. The location, once digging began, seemed to be pure bedrock. Digging, and the search for the treasure, was abandoned after time.
Places to get translations:'Qumran,%20Cave%2011'