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Full Preterism

Full preterism says that every prophecy in the Bible is fulfilled and in the past. I completely disagree with this viewpoint. Full Preterism is also the basis of Hyper-Preterism, which is a complete heresy and, in my opinion, a cult.

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Reasons Why Full Preterism is Wrong

This list is partial, and will be added to in the future.

  1. Full Preterism allegorizes the 1,000 years ascribed to the "millennium" time period, which is incorrect.
  2. Most of Enoch's prophecies did not concern 70 AD, and were not fulfilled then. Many remain to be fulfilled. He is recognized as a prophet in Jude 1:14.
  3. God's prophecy of the 7,000 years of earth's history, that He set forth by creating the world in 7 days, has not been fulfilled.
  4. Jesus says He only fulfilled the parts of the prophecies that concerned Him...
    Luke 24:44 And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, CONCERNING ME.
  5. The Early Church Fathers ubiquitously expected more prophecy to be fulfilled centuries after 70 AD.

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