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Cataclysm of Rome, Part 2: The Origins of Islam

Released: March 30, 2024
50 views on Youtube as of March 30, 2024
A new religion appeared on earth that had never been seen before... a pagan prophet receives a new vision and starts what would become one of the largest religions in history. Islam. How it started. What it accomplished. Who it exterminated. Who was behind it. What did Islam's conquests pave the way for?

#islam #muhammed #kaaba #catholicism

(00:05) Introduction
(01:01) The Life of Mohammed
(11:15) Against the Bible
(14:40) The Gods of Mecca
(19:06) Early Wars and Conquests
(22:27) The Hajj and the Kaaba
(23:30) Religious Anomalies
(36:43) The Catholic Connection
(49:51) Conclusions

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Raw notes...

---LIFE OF MOHAMMED--------------------------------------------------------- Born in 569 A.D. Mohammed Early Life His father died just before his birth. His mother died when he was young. Was an orphan. Mohammed Geneaology Muhammad's geneaology is in question. Ma`n Ibn `Isa al-Ashja`i al-Qazzaz (silk-merchant) informed us; he said : Mu`awiyah Ibn Salih informed us on the authority of Yahya Ibn Jabir who had seen some Companions of the Prophet and said : The people of Banu Fuhayrah came to the Prophet and said to him : You belong to us. He replied : Verily, (the archangel) Gabriel has informed me that I belong to Mudar. (Ibn Sa`d, "Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir", Vol. I, p. 4) which seem to indicate that this genealogy was actually revelatory the people of Banu Fuhayrah did not know that Muhammad was a descendent of Mudar, and Muhammad was informed by Gabriel, not through common knowledge. Muslim historians traced Muhammad through one `Adnan, a descendent of Ishmael. An Idolater... I was told that the apostle of Allah said, as he was talking about Zayd son of 'Amr son of Nufayl, 'He was the first to upbraid me for idolatry and forbade me to worship idols. I had come from al-Ta'if along with Zayd son of Haritha when we passed Zayd son of 'Amr who was in the highland of Mecca. Quraysh had made a public example of him for abandoning his religion, so that he went out from their midst. I sat down with him. I had a bag containing meat which we had sacrificed to our idols -- Zayd b. Haritha was carrying it -- and I offered it to Zayd b. 'Amir -- I was but a lad at the time -- and I said, "Eat some of this food, my uncle." He replied, "Surely it is part of those sacrifices of theirs which they offer to their idols?" When I said that it was, he said, "Nephew mine, if you were to ask the daughters of 'Abd al-Muttalib they would tell you that I never eat of these sacrifices, and I have no desire to do so." Then he upbraided me for idolatory and spoke disparagingly of those who worship idols and sacrifice to them, and said, "They are worthless: they can neither harm nor profit anyone," or words to that effect.' The apostle added, 'After that I never knowingly stroked one of their idols nor did I sacrifice to them until God honoured me with his apostleship. (A. Guillaume, Islam, pp. 26-27, emphasis mine) Most Muslims however deny that Muhammad had ever committed idolatry. Marriage to Khadija Muhammad later entered the services of a widow called Khadija at the age of 25. She was 40. (594 A.D.) Islam later would ban the practice of women proposing to men. Revelation of Gabriel Muhammad's life was said to be quite peaceful, and that he spent much time in the caves and mountains surrounding Mecca. It was during time in one of these caves that the angel Gabriel is said to have come to him and began to reveal the Quran to him. At age 40 (610 A.D.), Muhammad started receiving revelations from the angel Gabriel. Khadija was the first to believe in him. The story of the revelation goes like this: Muhammad was camping-out in the cave of Hira, when an angel appeared to him. The angel presents the text of the Quran and commands Mohammed to "Read!" Mohammed refuses because he does not know how, and the angel responds by "pressing hard against him" and repeating the command. This happens 3 times. Then, without reading anything, Mohammed leaves the cave and returns to Khadija, his wife. He is sickly and afraid, and says to his wife, "I am afraid something may happen to me." And Khadija tells him, "No, you must keep good relations with kin, help the poor, serve your guests generously, and help the afflicted." Khadija then takes Mohammed to her cousin Waraqa, who was supposedly a Christian, and was able to read and write Hebrew, but had lost his eyesight. Mohammed relates the appearance of Gabriel to Waraqa. Waraqa confirms that it was the angel Gabriel, and warns Mohammed that he will be driven out of the land by his people for what he has seen. A few days later, Waraqa died. At the same time, the revelations for Mohammed "paused." Some time later on, Mohammed was walking, and a voice from the sky spoke to him. He looked up and saw the same angel as before, sitting in a chair in the air, and Mohammed once again becomes afraid and flees back home. He wraps himself up in blankets, still in fear, and then Allah reveals verses of the Quran to him, saying "Arise and warn the people against Allah's punishment, and desert the idols!" After this, it is said that these "revelations" came regularly to Mohammed. Paraphrased from the (Sahih Bukhari 1.3) Mohammed is said to have continued to receive revelations for 13 years. Mohammed is said to have fought or led in 66 different battles. The most important battle is his conquest of Mecca in 630 A.D. It is said that he visited the Ka'aaba, cleared it of all idols and images, except those of Abraham, Jesus, and Mary. He completed the "circumambulation" on his horse, and took the key to the Kaaba. His sodiers then forced the conversion of all at Mecca, executing those that refused. Waraqa The cousin of Muhammed's wife Khadija. Waraqah was a Nestorian monk, Mecca's priest or preacher accoriding to some sources, and died a Christian of the Nestorian sect. Reputed to having written the Bible in Hebrew and presided over Muhammad's wedding. Another narrative found in the Sira of Ibn Sa'd shows that while Muhammad was working for Khadija, she had him go on a journey to Syria along with a man named Maysarah, and meeting the Christian monk Nestor while there. Nestorianism holds that Christ had two loosely united natures, divine and human. Denounced in 431 Council of Ephesus, and 451 Council of Chalcedon. Nestorians became called the "Church of the East". https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Waraqah_ibn_Nawfal&oldid=11817255 Aisha said: "The Prophet returned to Khadija while his heart was beating rapidly. She took him to Waraqah bin Naufal who was a Christian convert and used to read the Gospel in Arabic. Waraqah asked (the Prophet), 'What do you see?' When he told him, Waraqah said, 'That is the same angel whom Allah sent to the Prophet Moses. Should I live till you receive the Divine Message, I will support you strongly.' Khadija said to Waraqah, "Listen to the story of your nephew, O my cousin!" Waraqah asked, "O my nephew! What have you seen?" God's Apostle described whatever he had seen. Waraqah said, "This was the same one who keeps the secrets whom Allah had sent to Moses (Angel Gabriel). Muhammad died at age 63, June 8, 632 A.D. He was poisoned by a Jewish woman. Then Muhammad sent for this Jewess and asked her, "Have you poisoned this lamb?" She said, "You have acquired certain powers with which you judge those who are not loyal to you. You killed my father, my uncle and my brother. . . So I said, "If he is a king, then I would be relieving us of him, and if he is a prophet, he will be able to perceive.'" It was said that he pardoned her, while others say he commanded her to be put to death and crucified. When Muhammad fell ill just before his death, he said to Aisha, "Aisha, I still feel the effect of the poisoned food I ate; this is the time of my demise by that poison." When Bishr's sister entered his room during the time of his last sickness, he said to her, "This is the time of my demise by the meal I ate with your brother in Khaybar." (Abdallha Abd Al-Fadi, Is The Koran Infallible, pp. 378-381, quoting Al-Baidawi). It's a good point. Why was he not able to detect the poison? ---AGAINST THE BIBLE--------------------------------------------------------- The Bible Just to clear the air, the Muslim faith has a few major problems with the Bible. Islam is simply incompatible with the teachings of the Bible. Zechariah says there will be no more prophets. Chapter 13, 13:2 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of hosts, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, and they shall no more be remembered: and also I will cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land. 13:3 And it shall come to pass, that when any shall yet prophesy, then his father and his mother that begat him shall say unto him, Thou shalt not live; for thou speakest lies in the name of the LORD: and his father and his mother that begat him shall thrust him through when he prophesieth. 13:4 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the prophets shall be ashamed every one of his vision, when he hath prophesied; neither shall they wear a rough garment to deceive: 13: When would that happen? 12:2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. So after the siege of Jerusalem, which obviously happened in 70 AD, at the hand of the Romans, there could never be another prophet. However, Muslims call Mohammed the "Seal of the Prophets", claiming that he is the final prophet from Allah. The God of the Bible, however, obviously does not agree. Muslims tend to defend their faith by referring to the Bible, which is of course a collection of Jewish and Christian Gentile texts. So first it is important to recognize that is the equivalent of me, as a Christian, using the Quran to justify my Christian positions. It is nonsense. For instance, Muslims re-translate Isaiah 9:6, saying that "Unto us a child is born, and unto us a son is given, whose government is on his shoulder." is referring to Mohammed. They say that this does not refer to the Jewish Messiah, as the Jews have claimed for millennia, but that it is mistranslated by the originators of the text. They say that "the government is on his shoulder" really means "The sign of prophecy is on his shoulder." They continue to explain that Allah supernaturally put the seal of prophecy on Mohammed, referring to a large birthmark that is alleged to have been between his shoulders. ---GODS OF MECCA--------------------------------------------------------- Gods of Mecca Allah Scholars believe that Allah was the tribal deity of the Quraysh, in Mecca. The name was spoken in that time as "Al-Ilyah". Hubal was another name for the ancient god who was said to be the chief god worshipped at Mecca, centuries before Islam. He was the god of the moon. The Kaaba was oficially dedicated to Hubal, before Mohammed cleansed it. Hu-bal is the same as "Baal". And both words mean the same thing as Allah, "the god." Herodotus (450 B.C.) said "They (Arabians) believe in no other gods except Dionysus and the Heavenly Aphrodite; and they say that they wear their hair as Dionysus does his, cutting it round the head and shaving the temples. They call Dionysus, Orotalt; and Aphrodite, Alilat." Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, published in 1870, says that this name "Orotalt" derives from a corruption of Allāh ta'āla ("God Exalted"). Plutarch (100 A.D.) said that Osiris and Dionysus were identical. Actually arabian "Al-Ilah" - equivalent to Osiris/Bacchus/Dionysus/Adonis/Zeus Wife, sun goddess "Al-Lat" - equivalent to Isis/Aphrodite/Venus The ancient moon-god of the Mesopotamian culture was a female deity named Sin or Inanna, and her consort was the god of agriculture named Tammuz. The title of this moon-god, sîn, was "al-ilah" which means "the deity" or "the god", meaning he was the chief god among the Arabians' 360 other gods. Its title was commonly used as a name instead of it's actual name. Carleton S. Coon, Professor, Anthropologist and Author says "The god il or ilah [al-ilah] was originally a phase of the moon-god" — Carleton S. Coon, (Southern Arabia, p.399). (show progression of the gods 1 image) Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Al-Manat Al-Uzza was also one of the most important idols of the Arabs, along with Al-Lat and Al-Manat. These three goddesses were considered female, and human sacrifice was known to have been made to them. The Quraysh used to chant as they circumambulated the Ka'ba: "Al-Lat, and al-Uzza and Manat, the third, the other; indeed these are exalted; let us hope for their intercession." (The Hajj, F. E. Peters, p 3-41, 1994) Daughters of Allah, the Satanic verse. Muhammad himself commanded his followers offer prayers to these "Allah's daughters". The Quran once read: Signs of his Lord, the Greatest! Have ye seen Lat. and 'Uzza, And another, the third (goddess), Manat? Verily they are the most exalted females, Whose intercession is to be sought. The second line was removed from the Quran. According to tradition, Mohammed was tricked by Satan into adding that verse. Though it was initially accepted by Muslims, Mohammed said he had a revelation from Allah that the verse should be removed. He repented of the error and it was removed from the Quran. Some Muslims now pretend this never happened. (show progression of the gods 2 al uzza image) ---EARLY WARS AND CONQUESTS--------------------------------------------------------- Muslim wars and conquests https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_expeditions_of_Muhammad The early years of Islam, after Mohammed had his revelation, were full of many bloody battles. (Show map of byzantine empire, prior to Islam) (circle Quraysh) (note the Persian Empire of Sassanids) (note the Byzantine, and the Goths/Barbarians who had taken Italy) During the life of Mohammed, all the battles of Islam were against neighboring tribes, to convert the Arabs to Islam. 624, Mohammed led a raid for booty and plunder against a Meccan caravan, killing 70 Meccans for mere material gain 630 A.D. - 632 A.D., Muslims -- on at least one occasion led by Mohammed before his death -- had conquered the bulk of western Arabia and southern Palestine through approximately a dozen separate invasions and bloody conquests. 632 A.D. - After Mohammed's death in 632, the new Muslim caliph, Abu Bakr, launched Islam into almost 1,500 years of continual imperialist, colonialist, bloody conquest and subjugation of others through invasion and war, a role Islam has continued in some form into the modern time. 638 A.D. - captured Jerusalem and the Levant At times, the caliphs engaged in triumphalist gestures, like building the famous Dome of the Rock mosque in Jerusalem from 690 to 692 on the site of the Jewish Second Temple, which had been destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD—though the use of Roman and Sassanian symbols of power in the mosque suggests its purpose was partly to celebrate the Arab victories over the two empires. (show al-aqsa mosque) 642 A.D. - conquered Egypt (show captured egypt 642 Byzantiumby650AD.svg) 652 A.D. - attacks on the Mediterranean Sea (show map naval attacks 800px-Byzantine-Arab_naval_struggle.svg) 721 A.D. - conquered Spain/Hispania (show The_Early_Muslim_Conquests_630s_to_820s.svg) 750, the Caliph destroyed the walls of Jerusalem, leaving it defenseless (show map of the conquests of early islam 622-750) (note the conquering of the Persian Empire) ---THE HAJJ AND THE KAABA--------------------------------------------------------- Hajj to Mecca, Circumambulation One of the key practices of the Muslims, that will become more important later, is the Hajj. Hajj - Hajj is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest city for Muslims. Hajj is a mandatory religious duty for Muslims that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by all adult Muslims who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey, and of supporting their family during their absence from home. The muslim pilgrims circumambulate, or walk around, the Kaaba, seven times counter-clockwise. This is called "Tawaf". Some scholars say that the seven circuits around the Kaaba represent the paths of planets in the sky. (show videos of islam circumambulation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_z-tQ0nBrw ---RELIGIOUS ANOMALIES--------------------------------------------------------- Anomalies with all of this... Anomalies with the story of Mohammed: 1. Why the emphasis on reading? Could it be because Mohammed, like most Arabs of the time, was illiterate? It feels like this may be a cover for the fact that an illiterate person would obviously not be able to recieve and write down a revelation from an angel. ??? 2. The year Mohammed married Khadija is considered the start of Islam? 610 AD 2. Khadija's response is strange... forced, perhaps. To help the poor, and help the afflicted, etc. is a strange response to give someone who is afraid for having seen a spectre in a cave. 3. Waraqa is a Christian. So why did they visit him? What reason would a couple of pagan idol-worshippers have to visit a Christian Hebrew Scribe to get insight on an spiritual manifestation in a cave? 4. Waraqa is apparently an expert in Hebrew... but it is not mentioned that he either helped Mohammed translate the revelations, or that he taught Mohammed to read and write so he could do it himself. He was blind also, which would make it hard for him to do either. 5. Connecting Christianity to this story seems suspect in general. Was it added to the story to gain sympathy from Christians for this new religion? When Mohammed was 35, a flood swept into Mecca and ruined the Kaaba. So much so that it had to be demolished. The entire Quraysh people helped rebuild it. The "Black Stone" of the eastern corner was built back. It was said to be 6 inches high, by 8 inches wide, of reddish-black color, and of volcanic origin. Mohammed was said to have led the replacing of this stone. Mohammed did not received the Quran until he was 40 years old. He lived his whole life before the Kaaba, and even helped rebuild it when it was destroyed by flood. So why did he keep the Kaaba, and the Black Stone, if he knew it was a pagan building, for the many Arabian gods? Symbols of Islam - Baal, horns and moon and sun Moon... Bull horns, with "sun disc" in the middle. (show bull statue pic) This is actually the black su n, eclipsing the moon. The horns and the disc make the moon eclipse. (show eclipse, black sun ) It is also seen as a phaliic symbol of fertility. The sun disc being the male, and the moon crescent being the female. This is established by the love poem of the consummation of Inanna and Tammuz (or Lilith and Dagon). From ancient Sumerian texts. " My vulva, the horn, The Boat of Heaven, Is full of eagerness like the young moon. ... Wild bull, Dumuzi, make your milk sweet and thick. I will drink your fresh milk. Let the milk of the goat flow in my sheepfold. Fill my holy churn with honey cheese. " This shows that Tammuz was Baal, the Bull of heaven and the consort of Ishtar/Lilith/Isis/Venus. The moon or the sun? Islam is moon-based (show the moon crescent ) Catholicism is sun-based (show sun-catholic images) Who is the Sun and the Moon from the most ancient religions? Sun = Utu/Shamash/Tammuz (mesopotamian/babylonian), Ra (egypt), Apollo (greek/roman) (show image of each) Moon = Nanna (mesopotamian), Inanna/Sin (sumerian), Ishtar/Ashtoreth/Lilith (Babylonian), Isis (egypt), Aphrodite (greek), Venus (Roman) (show image of each) These were the gods worshipped in Rome prior to and during the time when the Catholic Church was founded. Apollyon even mentioned in the book of Revelation. (show venus/apollo) (show verse Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.) Who else circumambulates? A very unique feature of the practice of Islam is the Hajj, or pilgrimage that is made to Mecca each year. Of particular interest to us is the circumambulation of the Muslims around the Kaaba. (show video of cirumambulation of kaaba) What is interesting about this, is that it is actually not so unique as it may seem at first. Catholic Church In the Catholic Church, a priest sometimes circumambulates an altar while incensing it with a thurible. (show videos of Catholic circumambulation [in part 3 folder]) Usually on the altar are placed relics of a saint, or an image or statue of Jesus or Mary. Most often the altar is circled 3 times, supposedly to represent the Trinity. In the Coptic tradition, during the liturgy, the priest circles the altar while an acolyte (altar boy) holds a cross high on the opposite side. The Catholic church even does a circumambulation ceremony around the supposed Tomb of Jesus Christ, (show video of the Circumbulation of the Eudicle, the Tomb of Jesus Christ.) (note the color of the participants... black and white) Freemasons The Symbolism of Freemasonry, by Albert G. Mackey, [1882] https://sacred-texts.com/mas/sof/sof23.htm Read from the "Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry" by Mackey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7rs5Q14dB4 http://localhost/deeptree/content.php?i=22350 https://archive.org/details/An_Encyclopedia_Of_Freemasonry_1916_Vol_1_-_A_G_Mackey (show page from Mackey on "Rite of Cirumambulation" -Cirumambulation 1.jpg Cirumambulation 2.jpg) (show masonic circumambulation instructional image) Is this Muslim practice perhaps not an actual meaningful ritual from a unique religion, but instead a ritual of acknowledgement of recognition with the roots of the religion. An obesiance to the gods they serve... the sun and moon gods of ancient Babylon? Or something even darker? Another interesting thought is that in ancient Sumerian religion and hermeticism, that Saturn was called the "Black Sun". Saturn is often represented as a black cube in esoteric religions. So you can see the apparrent relationship between the black cube of the Kaaba, and the ancient Sumerian religion. We also see the black cube pop up some other places... (show black cube jewish tefilin) (show black cube scultpures) (show black square graduation hat) (show black cube esoteric) (Cecil Altar - Double Cube ( altar is based on a design drawn by Aleister Crowley, 33rd Degree Free Mason)) The black cube is said to represent Saturn, or the material world, or even Tartarus and Hell. But is this connection to ancient pagan religion because of Mohammed? Or was it "brought into" the development of Islam by an outside influence? ---THE CATHOLIC CONNECTION--------------------------------------------------------- Created by Catholicism? The Life of Mahomet by Muir, William, Sir, 1819-1905 https://archive.org/details/lifemahometfrom00muirgoog/page/n26/mode/1up {{pasted_1711201111_0.jpg}}{{pasted_1711201111_1.jpg}} - the Kaaba was worshipped by the majority of Arabians - Christianity and Judaism was well known throughout - the New Testament was known and revered by most as sacred, holy, and true - most Arabs were not Christian, but participated in worship of the gods, and Kaaba At age 12 Mohammed was said to have traveled to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib and met Christians there. Waraqa was Christian, Catholic. Mohammed experienced the national form of Christianity there. In his youth, he attended the Fair of Ocatz, where many Christian representatives were prostelytizing for the gospel. Also, many Jews were there, also teaching out of the Torah. A number of different religions were there. At 25 years old, Mohammed again accompanies his uncle, Abu Talib to Syria in a caravan. On this trip, he meets his future wife, Khadija, who was 15 years older than he, at age 40. Muslims claim that also, at the city of Bostra, he met a Christian monk named "Nestorius" that told Mohammed that he was "the coming prophet". Most scholars see this story as false. Mohammed had a slave named Zeid that he cared greatly for. Zeid was a Christian whose mother was killed by Arabs. Mohammed adopted Zeid as a son. Zeid's father's and mother's respective Arab tribes were decidedly Christian. Khadija Was very wealthy. Her father was a commander in the Arab wars of the time, of the Quraysh or Coreish people. Khdija's cousin Othman had embraced Christianity at Constantinople, and had made an attempt to gain rule at Mecca. Othman (Uthman ibn al-Huwayrith) was involved in politics and his faith was associated with his attempt to control Mecca with Byzantine backing. His mother was likely an Ethiopian Christian. In 590 A.D., he sought intervention from the Byzantine Empire in an attempt to have himself installed as king of Mecca and to bring its inhabitants under the Abrahamic religions. His attempt to gain control of Mecca occurred during Khadija's marriage to Mohammed, and possibly was made in conjunction with the Hijra, Mohammed's journey to Medina. Khadija's cousin Waraca was also a Christian, and knew the Jewish and Christian Scriptures, having copied them in Hebrew. (Note: Arab Christians used the Syriac language at this time.) Waraqa, at one time, had proposed to Khadija, but the marriage never happened. The early Suras of the Quran were recorded by Waraca and Khadija. Mohammed himself, wrote almost none of the revealed information. Of course, he was illiterate. Mohammed never wrote anything about his receiving of the revelation from Gabriel. When Mohammed would stay near the caves, he returned to Khadija. When he received the revelations from Gabriel, he returned to Khadija. When he wanted confirmation of the angel's message, he returned to Khadija. Khadija died 10 years after the revelations of Gabriel, at 65 years old (Mohammed was 50). Abu Talib, Mohammed's uncle who had taken him on trips to Syria, including the trip on which he met Khadija, died in the same year. Because of Khadija's death, some Muslims turned away from Islam. This is when Muhammed moved to Medina. Battle of Badr in 624 A.D. was between Mohammed and the Meccan Quraysh (people of Khadija). Abu Bakr succeeded Mohammed in 632 A.D. He was Quraysh. He started the war campaigns that gave Islam control over all of Arabia, and started invasions into Persia and Roman Byzantium. Abu Bakr is also credited for the compilation of the Quran, of which he had a personal caliphal codex. Umar was nominated by Bakr, and succeeded him as caliph in 634 A.D. He was Quraysh, born in Mecca. Umar initially opposed Muhammed. He later converted, and also had pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr. He led Islam to conquer the Sasanian/Persian Empire and two-thirds of the Byzantine Empire. Then I found more information in a research paper by Ghada Osman of San Diego State University. In about 570 A.D., four men had made a pact to renounce the prevalent idolatry of Mecca, and had set out to seek "the true religion". This pact occurred in Mecca, less than a decade before Zayd b. ‘Amr b. Nufayl Waraqa Othman/Uthman ‘Ubayd Allah b. Jahsh ‘Uthman b. al-Huwayrith, he went to Caesar and became a Christian, and raised his status with him.” Uthman journeyed to Byzantium. There, “Caesar” (probably not the Byzantine emperor but rather a regional governor) lifted him “on a mule with a golden bridle” and “made him king,” thereby earning him the nickname al-Bitriq (leader of an army, or one skilled in war and its affairs). Hungry for power, ‘Uthman convinced Caesar to annex Mecca to his realm, and make him its ruler. ‘Uthman then returned to the Meccans and tried to persuade them to relinquish their independence and submit to Caesar. ‘Ubayd Allah b. Jahsh, “looked into religion,” converted to Islam, then “found no religion better than Christianity.” It seems that in every sense, Khadija, and her 2 cousins Uthman and Waraqa, and their 2 pact-members, were all of one mind in regards to the religious and political future of Mecca. All indications are that these were all Christians. And not just any Christianity, but the Christianity of the Caesar... Roman Catholic Christianity. This probably doesn't make a lot of sense to you yet, seeing how Mecca became a completely Muslim city, but we will speak more on this in just a moment. Khadija was from a catholic convent (Alberto Rivera) Mosques right next to Catholic Churches (show images) Symbols of Islam match the symbols of the Catholic Church Standard of the Roman Legion Crest of Seljuk Turks is same double-eagle as the crest of the Holy Roman Empire Crest of the Byzantine Empire Crest of the Empire of Nicaea Crest is also used by Freemasonry Crest is also used by Vatican (show each crest image) ??? Same lands as the rule of the Hittites (see Ninurta, Enlil) The connections of Islam to these ancient religions are rather obvious. Its strange connections to the Catholic Church are apparrent. But what is just as important in our research is what did the religion of Islam accomplish? What was it set about to do? Beginning around 1000 A.D., Islam began to attack Christianity specifically. 970-983, 1024-1077 Muslim destruction of the countryside of Israel 1003 - destruction by the Muslims of Christian churches -- sometimes at the direct order of the Caliph 1020s - building small mosques on the top of Christian churches; enforcing the Muslim laws limiting the height of Christian churches; attacking and robbing Christian pilgrims from Europe; attacking Christian processions in the streets of Jerusalem; etc. https://www2.cbn.com/article/religion/1400-years-christianislamic-struggle-analysis One thing we need to realize now, is that we are nearing the timeframe that would have been considered the end of the 1,000 years since Christ. This means that according to the book of Revelation, Satan was now loosed, to decieve the nations once more. It is interesting that as this time occurred, Islam specifically put its focus directly on Christianity. (show video of muslim attacks) "http://localhost/deeptree/static/storage/islam__muslim__1503/How%20many%20times%20Muslims%20invaded%20Europe%20vs.%20Europeans%20invaded%20Muslim%20countries.mp4" (show map of barbarian invasion lands "barbarians-map-1.jpg") According to our history books Islam continued to wage war on the western world for the next 1000 years. Based on my research, I now dispute this timeframe and chronology. ---CONCLUSIONS--------------------------------------------------------- Despite the claims of natural, humble beginnings for Mohammed, and his marriage, and the revelations he supposedly received from the angel Gabriel, and the start of this new religion... I feel there was a lot more at work here. I think that it is hinted at by these things: - the fact that Mohammed was an orphan and could be manipulated. - Khadija's and Waraqa's connections to the Catholic Church. - The lack of any "purifying" of the pagan Kaaba after Mohammed's revelations. - The main symbol of Islam being the moon ties it directly to the pagan gods prevalent in Arabia before Mohammed's visions. - The similarities of Islam's practices to Catholicism, Freemasonry, and ancient pagan religions. - The fact that the regions that Islam conquered in the first 100 years of its history were inhabited predominately by non-Roman Catholic, but nonetheless Christian followers. The same Christian areas that had fought against the Roman Catholic Church; the same areas that were inhabited by the "Barbaian" invaders that had decimated Roman rule in the Mediterranean; the same areas that fought against the Council of Nicaea and the Trinitarian dogma... these were the first areas to be overrun by hordes of scimitar-wielding Muslims, in the name of Al-ilyah - or Hubal - or Dionysus - or Osiris. Baal. Then the most interesting piece of information of all, for me, was this strange pact between Khadija's cousins and their Roman Catholic counterparts. Was this a pact to bring Mecca to Christianity? Or was it something else? Did Uthman's pleading with the Ceasar to gain power in Mecca turn into a bargaining chip for the Caesar? Was Uthman promised wealth or power in return for helping the Caesar build a new army of zealots, underneath the thumb of the Roman Catholic Church, that could help corral Christianity back into the hands of Rome? This new religion, I believe, was built by Rome through this dirty deal with these Arabs, desperate for power. Rome was desperate to regain control of the lands lost to the Germanic invasions. As Mohammed was illiterate, I believe Khadija and Waraqa did not receive the Surahs from Mohammed, but instead they gave them to him. Waraqa, Khadija, and the others crafted this religion from the ground up, at the request of the Caesar. It became one of the most ruthless and successful armies the world has ever known, in terms of conquest. The armies of Islam conquered back all the lands lost to the Roman Empire during the Barbarian invasions. The simple fact that the Al-Aqsa Mosque sits in the middle of Jerusalem to this day is proof of its effectiveness. (show dome of the rock) All these postulates may seem outlandish to some, but there is a testimony from an ex- Jesuit priest, who became a true Christian, named Alberto Rivera. I had known about his testimony, but I didn't really read through it until I had finished this research. Amazingly, he confirms all of my suspicions about Islam in his testimony as follows. These are selected exerpts from the testimony. : Alberto Rivera, ex-Jesuit, testimony "What I'm going to tell you is what I learned in secret briefings in the Vatican when I was a Jesuit priest, under oath and induction. A Jesuit cardinal named Augustine Bea showed us how desperately the Roman Catholics wanted Jerusalem at the end of the third century. Because of its religious history and its strategic location, the Holy City was considered a priceless treasure. A scheme had to be developed to make Jerusalem a Roman Catholic city. "The great untapped source of manpower that could do this job was the children of Ishmael. The poor Arabs fell victim to one of the most clever plans ever devised by the powers of darkness. "The only way Satan could stop this thrust was to create a counterfeit "Christian" religion to destroy the work of God. The solution was in Rome. Their religion had come from ancient Babylon and all it needed was a face-lift. "The great counterfeit religion was Roman Catholicism, called 'Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth'. Somehow the Vatican had to create a weapon to eliminate both the Jews and the true Christian believers who refused to accept Roman Catholicism. Lookng to North Africa, they saw the multitudes of Arabs as a source of manpower to do their dirty work. Some Arabs had become Roman Catholic, and could be used in reporting information to leaders in Rome. Others were used in an underground spy network to carry out Rome's master plan to control the great multitudes of Arabs who rejected Catholicism. "The Vatican wanted to create a messiah for the Arabs, someone they could raise up as a great leader, a man with charisma whom they could train, and eventually unite all the non-Catholic Arabs behind him, creating a mighty army that would ultimately capture Jerusalem for the pope. Cardinal Bea told us this story: 'A wealthy Arabian lady who was a faithful follower of the pope played a tremendous part in this drama. She was a widow named Khadijah. She gave her wealth to the church and retired to a convent, but was given an assignment. She was to find a brilliant young man who could be used by the Vatican to create a new religion and become the messiah for the children of Ishmael. Khadijah had a cousin named Waraquah,, who was also a very faithful Roman Catholic and the Vatican placed him in a critical role as Muhammad's advisor. He had tremendous influence on Muhammad. 'Teachers were sent to young Muhammad and he had intensive training. Muhammad studied the works of St. Augustine which prepared him for his "great calling." The Vatican had Catholic Arabs across North Africa spread the story of a great one who was about to rise up among the people and be the chosen one of their God. 'Muhammad began receiving "divine revelations" and his wife's Catholic cousin Waraquah helped interpret them. From this came the Koran. Muhammad later conquered Mecca and the Kaaba was cleared of idols. History proves that before Islam came into existence, the Sabeans in Arabia worshiped the moon-god who was married to the sun-god. They gave birth to three goddesses who were worshipped throughout the Arab world as "Daughters of Allah" An idol excavated at Hazor in Palestine in 1950's shows Allah sitting on a throne with the crescent moon on his chest. (show allah hazor moon god pic) By the time Muhammad died, the religion of Islam was exploding. The nomadic Arab tribes were joining forces in the name of Allah and his prophet, Muhammad. "When Cardinal Bea shared with us in the Vatican, he said, these writings are guarded because they contain information that links the Vatican to the creation of Islam. Islam's conquests cleared the way for something ... a resurgence... a rebirth... an enlightenment of the world, according to Rome. What was created in this Rebirth? The Holy Roman Empire. In Part 3 of the series, we will explore the Holy Roman Empire and its cornerstone, the Catholic Church and Religion. The rule of the Vatican. I hope you now see the connections we have built in parts 1 and now part 2 of this series. Be prepared, Part 4 will bring all of this to a conclusion, and show you the connections between everything we have studied. You may not know it now, but we are tracing the hand of something or someone through history... and it isn't just Rome. Stay tuned for Part 3. Thank you for your time.

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