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Being Spiritually Minded, Or the Dangers of Materialism (in Movies?)

Alternate Title: The Globalist Rule, Shown in Movies...

Released: June 9, 2021
221 views on Youtube as of March 28, 2022
Are you spiritually minded? Or materialistic? Does your eschatology end in spirituality, or in physicality? When did Christ ever say He would reign on an earthly throne?
#preterism #endtimes #lastdays #spirit #spiritual #rapture

(0:00:00) - Intro
(0:05:00) - Being Spiritually Minded
(0:30:07) - Materialistic Eschatologies
(0:45:59) - Apocalypse
(0:55:07) - Movies

Mortal Engines, Fall of the Vatican - https://www.bitchute.com/video/FbxfqP4gGfuA/
Matrix Glossary - (temporarily unavailable)

Matrix 1 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/bE9QBpbnHB8U/
Matrix 2 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/u3qjFnAFwKku/
Matrix 3 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/0Q8OmasQdc4r/

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