Secrets of Enoch 52:15

Final Judgment
52:15 For all these things will be laid bare in the weighing-scales and in the books, on the day of the great judgement.


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Context, Chapter 52

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52:1 BLESSED is the man who opens his lips in praise of God of Sabaoth and praises the Lord with his heart.
52:2 Cursed every man who opens his lips for the bringing into contempt and calumny of his neighbour, because he brings God into contempt.
52:3 Blessed is he who opens his lips blessing and praising God.
52:4 Cursed is he before the Lord all the days of his life, who opens his lips to curse and abuse.
52:5 Blessed is he who blesses all the Lord's works.
52:6 Cursed is he who brings the Lord's creation into contempt.
52:7 Blessed is he who looks down and raises the fallen.
52:8 Cursed is he who looks to and is eager for the destruction of what is not his.
52:9 Blessed is he who keeps the foundations of his fathers made firm from the beginning.
52:10 Cursed is he who perverts the decrees of his forefathers.
52:11 Blessed is he who implants peace and love.
52:12 Cursed is he who disturbs those that love their neighbours.
52:13 Blessed is he who speaks with humble tongue and heart to all.
52:14 Cursed is he who speaks peace with his. tongue, while in his heart there is no peace but a sword.
52:15 For all these things will be laid bare in the weighing-scales and in the books, on the day of the great judgement. 1 tags

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