Latest Updates

  • 7/17/24 - Feature: Added writing of Tertullian, "Against Praxeas".
  • 7/17/24 - Feature: Added "Apocryphal Additions to Esther" as chatpers 10-16 of Esther.
  • 7/16/24 - Feature: Added book "Prayer of Azariah" of the Deuterocanon.
  • 7/16/24 - Feature: Added book "Susanna" of the Deuterocanon.
  • 7/16/24 - Feature: Added book "Prayer of Manasseh" of the Deuterocanon.
  • 7/16/24 - Feature: Added book "Bel and the Dragon" of the Deuterocanon.
  • 7/16/24 - Feature: Added book "Wisdom" of the Deuterocanon.
  • 7/16/24 - Feature: Added book "Judith" of the Deuterocanon.
  • 7/16/24 - Feature: Added book "Sirach" of the Deuterocanon.
  • 7/16/24 - Feature: Added book "2 Baruch".

Past Updates

  • 7/6/24 - Feature: Increased verse comment entry size to 2,000 characters.
  • 6/29/24 - Feature: Xrefs page reformatted with source verse text.
  • 6/26/24 - Feature: Added book "Second Epistle on Virginity" by Clement of Rome.
  • 6/26/24 - Feature: Added book "First Epistle on Virginity" by Clement of Rome.
  • 6/25/24 - Feature: Added option to recover password.
  • 6/16/24 - Feature: Added codex "Second Apocalypse of John."
  • 6/16/24 - Feature: Added codex "Christian Sibyllines."
  • 8/12/23 - Made logging in easier.
  • 6/8/23 - Feature: Better titles for chapter and verse pages in browser tabs.
  • 6/8/23 - Bug: Problems with IP restrictions that affected adding notes, cross-references, and tags.
  • 5/22/23 - Feature: BibleHub links on chapter page and verse page.
  • 3/6/23 - Better navigation bar. Reference parsing more accurate.
  • 5/22/23 - Feature: Help popup on the main search entry that explains ways to search.
  • 5/22/23 - Feature: Activity tracking/statistics enabled.
  • 5/22/23 - Bug: Prevent searching the entire database without a search term.
  • 5/22/23 - Bug: Search term wasn't preloading into the header search field.
  • 5/20/23 - Feature: The notes page now shows a guest or member user all their notes, ever.
  • 5/20/23 - Feature: On the verse page, users can edit and delete their notes.
  • 5/20/23 - Feature: Changed book listing on the codex page to a compact 4-column form.
  • 5/20/23 - Feature: Access denied page includes a login form.
  • 5/20/23 - Feature: Extended session timeout.
  • 5/20/23 - Bug: Fixed session logout and re-authentication, with redirect URL handling.
  • 5/20/23 - Bug: Fixed session use in queries for cross-references and notes. Was building query before the authorization step.
  • 5/16/23 - Feature: Added "Latest Updates" page. Added site footer with link to latest updates.
  • 5/16/23 - Bug: Fixed counts of notes and cross-references on verse listings, to include user and BibeScribe counts.
  • 5/15/23 - Feature: Guest users can add notes to verses, if registered.
  • 5/15/23 - Feature: Better messaging about registration-locked features.
  • 5/14/23 - App is launched for users to register.
  • 8/22/20 - Alpha version finished.

Copyright 2024, BibleScribe. Latest updates.