Codex: Testament of the 12 Patriarchs     Book: Testament of Issachar


2:1 KNOW ye therefore, my children, that in the last times your sons will forsake singleness, and will cleave unto insatiable desire.
2:2 And leaving guilelessness, will draw near to malice; and forsaking the commandments of the Lord, they will cleave unto Beliar.
2:3 And leaving husbandry, they will follow after their own wicked devices, and they shall be dispersed among the Gentiles, and shall serve their enemies.
2:4 And do you therefore give these commands to your children, that, if they sin, they may the more quickly return to the Lord; For He is merciful, and will deliver them, even to bring them back into their land.
2:5 Behold, therefore, as ye see, I am a hundred and twenty-six years old and am not conscious of committing any sin.
2:6 Except my wife I have not known any woman. I never committed fornication by the uplifting of my eyes.
2:7 I drank not wine, to be led astray thereby;
2:8 I coveted not any desirable thing that was my neighbour's.
2:9 Guile arose not in my heart;
2:10 A lie passed not through my lips.
2:11 If any man were in distress I joined my sighs with his,
2:12 And I shared my bread with the poor.
2:13 I wrought godliness, all my days I kept truth.
2:14 I loved the Lord; likewise also every man with all my heart.
2:15 So do you also these things, my children, and every spirit of Beliar shall flee from you, and no deed of wicked men shall rule over you;
2:16 And every wild beast shall ye subdue, since you have with you the God of heaven and earth and walk with men in singleness of heart.
2:17 And having said these things, he commanded his sons that they should carry him up to Hebron, and bury him there in the cave with his fathers.
2:18 And he stretched out his feet and died, at a good old age; with every limb sound, and with strength unabated, he slept the eternal sleep.

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