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The Millennium

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Slim Evidence for a Millennial Kingdom

There is no place in the Bible that uses the term "Millennium" or anything like it. There are only 3 places that mention the period of 1,000 years.

The modern concept of "Millennial Reign" may not exactly square with what we see in the Bible. We have wrapped up so much in the "idea" of the Millennium that is not actually stated in the Bible, that we may have to re-educate ourselves on only what the Bible says about the 1,000 years.

Psalms 90:4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.
2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Revelation 20:2, 4, 7 2And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, ... 4And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. ... 7And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

1,000 Year Time Periods

Often times in the Bible, but also particularly in other writings contemporary to the Bible, one-thousand-year time periods are mentioned. This simply shows us that the concept of 1,000 years is often used in ancient Jewish and Christian writings.

Secrets of Enoch 33:1 AND I appointed the eighth day also, that the eighth day should be the first-created after my work, and that the first seven revolve in the form of the seventh thousand, and that at the beginning of the eighth thousand there should be a time of not-counting, endless, with neither years nor months nor weeks nor days nor hours.
Sirach 18:9-10 The number of a man's days at the most are an hundred years. As a drop of water unto the sea, and a gravelstone in comparison of the sand; so are a thousand years to the days of eternity.
Life of Adam and Eve, The 1:41 For I tell you that you will be unable to receive it except in the last days. When five thousand five hundred years have been fulfilled, then will come upon earth the most beloved king Christ, the son of God, to revive the body of Adam and with him to revive the bodies of the dead.
Gospel of Nicodemus, Descent into Hell 12:2 And we have found in the first book of the Seventy how that Michael the angel spake unto the third son of Adam the first man concerning the five thousand and five hundred years, wherein should come the most beloved Son of God, even Christ:... ...for that in five thousand and a half thousand years Jesus Christ should come in the ark of his body: ... ...which together were five thousand and five hundred years like as we found it written in the Bible that Michael the archangel declared before unto Seth the third son of Adam, that after five thousand and a half thousand years Christ the Son of God should come.
Epistle of Barnabus 15:4 Give heed, children, what this meaneth; He ended in six days. He meaneth this, that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all things to an end; for the day with Him signifyeth a thousand years; and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years.
Gospel (Questions) of St. Bartholomew 1:17 And Hades said: Which of the prophets is it? Show me: Is it Enoch the scribe of righteousness? But God hath not suffered him to come down upon the earth before the end of the six thousand years.

Prophecies of the Kingdom

The prophecies of the Kingdom (millennial or not) are found throughout the Scriptures, though they are not connected to the idea of 1,000 years. From these prophecies we learn the following about the Kingdom:

Psalms 2:6, 7, 12 6Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. 7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
Psalms 146:10 The LORD shall reign for ever (long-lasting), even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the LORD.
Isaiah 45:17 Israel hath been saved in Jehovah, A salvation long-lasting. Ye are not ashamed nor confounded continually long-lasting.
Isaiah 49:7 Thus saith the LORD, the Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers, Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the LORD that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose thee.
Dead Sea Scrolls, Messianic Apocalypse, 4Q521, Fr. 2 Over the poor His spirit will hover and will renew the faithful with His power. And He will glorify the pious on the throne of the eternal Kingdom.
Isaiah 9:6-7 6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

(For clarity, the reading of Isaiah 9:6-7 from the LXX/Septuagint) 6 For a child is born to us, and a son is given to us, whose government is upon his shoulder: and his name is called the Messenger of great counsel: for I will bring peace upon the princes, and health to him. 7 His government shall be great, and of his peace there is no end: upon the throne of David, and his kingdom, to establish it, and to support with judgment and with righteousness, from henceforth and forever. The seal of the Lord of hosts shall perform this.
Enoch 62:14 And the Lord of Spirits will abide over them, And with that Son of Man shall they eat And lie down and rise up for ever and ever.
Kebra Nagast 18:1 And unto DAVID will I give seed in her, and upon the earth one who shall become king, and moreover, in the heavens one from his seed shall reign in the flesh upon the throne of the Godhead. And as for his enemies they shall be gathered together under his footstool, and they shall be sealed with his seal.
Wisdom 3:1, 8 1 But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and there shall no torment touch them. 8 They shall judge the nations, and have dominion over the people, and their Lord shall reign for ever.
2 Esdras 16:52 For yet a little, and iniquity shall be taken away out of the earth (land), and righteousness shall reign among you.
Testament of Dan 2:10-13 10 And there shall arise unto you from the tribe of Judah and of Levi the salvation of the Lord; and he shall make war against Beliar. 11 And execute an everlasting vengeance on our enemies; and the captivity shall he take from Beliar the souls of the saints, and turn disobedient hearts unto the Lord, and give to them that call upon him eternal peace. 12 And the saints shall rest in Eden, and in the New Jerusalem shall the righteous rejoice, and it shall be unto the glory of God for ever. 13 And no longer shall Jerusalem endure desolation, nor Israel be led captive; for the Lord shall be in the midst of it [living amongst men], and the Holy One of Israel shall reign over it in humility and in poverty; and he who believeth on Him shall reign amongst men in truth.

Ancient Jewish Views of the Kingdom

What we see from the following Talmudic and Midrashic writings of the ancient Jews, is that they were quite confused about the length of the reign of the Messiah. (Note that Talmudic and Midrashic writings come from hundreds of years after Christ. Even into the 10th century.) The following different ideas of the length of Messiah's reign are represented by the following writings:

Talmudic Views

Sanhedrin 98a:1, 7 1 Kings shall see and arise, princes shall prostrate themselves, because of the Lord, Who is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, Who has chosen you” (Isaiah 49:7), indicating that redemption will come independent of repentance? 7 Rabbi Ḥama bar Ḥanina says: The son of David will not come until the contemptuous [hazalla] kingdom of Rome will cease from the Jewish people, as it is stated: “And He shall sever the sprigs [hazalzallim] with pruning hooks” (Isaiah 18:5).
Sanhedrin 97a:12, 14 12 Rav Ketina says: Six thousand years is the duration of the world, and it is in ruins for one thousand years. The duration of the period during which the world is in ruins is derived from a verse, as it is stated: “And the Lord alone shall be exalted on that day” (Isaiah 2:11), and the day of God lasts one thousand years. Abaye says: It is in ruins for two thousand years, as it is stated: “After two days He will revive us; in the third day He will revive us, and we shall live in His presence” (Hosea 6:2). 14 The school of Eliyahu taught: Six thousand years is the duration of the world. Two thousand of the six thousand years are characterized by chaos; two thousand years are characterized by Torah, from the era of the Patriarchs until the end of the mishnaic period; and two thousand years are the period of the coming of the Messiah.
Sanhedrin 99a:9 Avimi, son of Rabbi Abbahu, taught: The messianic era for the Jewish people will last seven thousand years, as it is stated: “And as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over...The bridegroom rejoices over the bride for seven days, and the day of the Holy One, Blessed be He, is one thousand years.
Avodah Zarah 9a:6 The last set of two thousand years are the period designated for the days of the Messiah, but due to our many sins there are those years that have been taken from them, i.e., such and such years have already passed and have been taken from the two thousand years that are designated for the Messiah, and the Messiah has not yet arrived.
Rosh Hashanah 31a:8 The Gemara comments: And these tanna’im disagree with regard to a statement of Rav Ketina, as Rav Ketina said: The world will exist for six thousand years, and for one thousand years it will be destroyed, as it is stated: “And the Lord alone shall be exalted on that day” (Isaiah 2:11), and one day for God is a thousand years, as indicated in the verse: “For a thousand years in Your sight are but as yesterday when it is past” (Psalms 90:4). Rav Ketina’s statement is in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Akiva. Conversely, Abaye said: The world will be destroyed for two thousand years, as it is stated: “After two days He will revive us” (Hosea 6:2). According to the opinion of Abaye that the destruction will be for two days, there is no connection between the future world and the day of Shabbat, which is only one day.

Midrashic Views

Bereshit Rabbah 8:3 As Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish said: The Torah preceded the creation of the world by two thousand years. That is what is written: “I was with Him, as a protégé; [I was a delight day after day]” (Proverbs 8:30), and the day of the Holy One blessed be He is one thousand years, as it is written: “As one thousand years in Your eyes are like yesterday” (Psalms 90:4).
Bamidbar Rabbah 14:12 and the day of the Holy One blessed be He is one thousand years, as it is stated: “For one thousand years in Your eyes are like yesterday as it passes, like a watch
Midrash Tanchuma, Eikev 7:1 Rabbi Abahu says, "Seven thousand years, as it is stated , 'As a youth espouses a maiden, your sons shall espouse you' - just as the days of rejoicing are seven, so will the days of the messiah be seven...thousand years."...Our rabbis said, "Two thousand years, as it is stated [ ], 'Give us joy for as long as You have afflicted us.']" And after the days of the messiah is the world to come.
Ezra ben Solomon on Song of Songs 8:12:2 You may have the thousand, O Solomon!: Solomon here possesses a secular meaning, referring to the House of David....What is intimated here is that the days of the Messiah will last a thousand years, this being the sixth millennium of the world’s existence, which will extend for six thousand years.

The Kingdom of God

Matthew and other NT wirtings use the phrase "Kingdom of God". 69 occurrences.

Clement of Rome, wrote in the mid-first century.

Clement of Rome, First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians 42:1-3
1 The Apostles received the Gospel for us from the Lord Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ was sent forth from God. 2 So then Christ is from God, and the Apostles are from Christ. Both therefore came of the will of God in the appointed order. 3 Having therefore received a charge, and having been fully assured through the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and confirmed in the word of God with full assurance of the Holy Ghost, they went forth with the glad tidings that the kingdom of God should come.
Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
5:5 And ye know, brethren, that the sojourn of this flesh in this world is mean and for a short time, but the promise of Christ is great and marvelous, even the rest of the kingdom that shall be and of life eternal.

9:6 Let us therefore love one another, that we all may come unto the kingdom of God.

11:7 If therefore we shalt have wrought righteousness in the sight of God, we shalt enter into His kingdom and shall receive the promises which ear hath not heard nor eye seen, nor eye seen, neither hath it entered into the heart of man.

12:1 Let us therefore await the kingdom of God betimes in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of God's appearing.
Shepherd of Hermas 89:4
Didst thou see," saith he, "that the stones which came through the gate have gone to the building of the tower, but those which came not through it were cast away again to their own place?" "I saw, Sir," say I. "Thus," saith he, "no one shall enter into the kingdom of God, except he receive the name of His Son.

Shepherd of Hermas 89:8
...whosoever shall not receive His name, shall not enter into the kingdom of God."

Shepherd of Hermas 92:3
Hear," saith he, "likewise the names of the women that wear the black garments. Of these also four are more powerful than the rest; the first is Unbelief; the second, Intemperance; the third, Disobedience; the fourth, Deceit; and their followers are called, Sadness, Wickedness, Wantonness, Irascibility, Falsehood, Folly, Slander, Hatred. The servant of God that beareth these names shall see the kingdom of God, but shall not enter into it."
2 Esdras 2:10-13
10 Thus saith the Lord unto Esdras, Tell my people that I will give them the kingdom of Jerusalem, which I would have given unto Israel. 11 Their glory also will I take unto me, and give these the everlasting tabernacles, which I had prepared for them. 12 They shall have the tree of life for an ointment of sweet savour; they shall neither labour, nor be weary. 13 Go, and ye shall receive: pray for few days unto you, that they may be shortened: the kingdom is already prepared for you: watch.

2 Esdras 12:32-34
32 This is the anointed, which the Highest hath kept for them and for their wickedness unto the end: he shall reprove them, and shall upbraid them with their cruelty. 33 For he shall set them before him alive in judgment, and shall rebuke them, and correct them. 34 For the rest of my people shall he deliver with mercy, those that have been pressed upon my borders, and he shall make them joyful until the coming of the day of judgment, whereof I have spoken unto thee from the the beginning.

The Kingdom of Heaven

The Bible

"Kingdom of Heaven" is mentioned 32 times in the book of Matthew.

Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Matthew 10:7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Acts 2, Peter's Sermon
32 This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. 33 Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear. 34 For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, 35 Until I make thy foes thy footstool. 36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

Extra-Biblical Texts

Justin Martyr, Other Fragments from the Lost Writings
5:1 And Justin of Neapolis, a man who was not far separated from the apostles either in age or excellence, 5:2 and that the flesh indeed dies, but the kingdom of heaven lives. 5:3 says that that which is mortal is inherited, but that which is immortal inherits;
Clement of Rome, First Epistle on Virginity
2:1 Of all virgins of either sex who have truly resolved to preserve virginity for the sake of the kingdom of heaven— 2:2 of each and every one of them it is required that he be worthy of the kingdom of heaven in every thing. 2:3 For not by eloquence or renown, by station and descent, or by beauty or strength, or by length of life, is the kingdom of heaven obtained; 2:4 but it is obtained by the power of faith, when a man exhibits the works of faith.

4:1 For he who covets for himself these things so great and excellent, withdraws and severs himself on this account from all the world, 4:2 that he may go and live a life divine and heavenly, like the holy angels, in work pure and holy, and "in the holiness of the Spirit of God," (2 Thessalonians 2:13) 4:3 and that he may serve God Almighty through Jesus Christ for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.

4:9 For God will give to virgins the kingdom of heaven, as to the holy angels, by reason of this great and noble profession.
Second Apocalypse of John, Section 5, v16 (ms. E)
Whosoever shall not worship the beast and his pomp shall be called a witness (or martyr) in the kingdom of heaven, and shall inherit eternal life with my holy ones.
62:14 And the Lord of Spirits will abide over them, And with that Son of Man shall they eat And lie down and rise up for ever and ever. 62:15 And the righteous and elect shall have risen from the earth, And ceased to be of downcast countenance. And they shall have been clothed with garments of glory,

71:14 And he (the angel) came to me and greeted me with His voice, and said unto me: 'This is the Son of Man who is born unto righteousness; And righteousness abides over him, And the righteousness of the Head of Days forsakes him not.' 71:15 And he said unto me: 'He proclaims unto thee peace in the name of the world to come; For from hence has proceeded peace since the creation of the world, And so shall it be unto thee for ever and for ever and ever.
2 Esdras 2:34-37
34 And therefore I say unto you, O ye heathen, that hear and understand, look for your Shepherd, he shall give you everlasting rest; for he is nigh at hand, that shall come in the end of the age. 35 Be ready to the reward of the kingdom, for the everlasting light shall shine upon you for evermore. 36 Flee the shadow of this world, receive the joyfulness of your glory: I testify my Saviour openly. 37 O receive the gift that is given you, and be glad, giving thanks unto him that hath led you to the heavenly kingdom.
First Book Of Adam And Eve 42:1-4
1 Then came the Word of God to Adam, and said to him: 2 "O Adam, as to what you said, 'Bring me into a land where there is rest,' it is not another land than this, but it is the kingdom of heaven where alone there is rest. 3 But you can not make your entrance into it at present; but only after your judgment is past and fulfilled. 4 Then will I make you go up into the kingdom of heaven, you and your righteous descendants; and I will give you and them the rest you ask for at present.
Tertullian, 200 AD
13:1 Now, with regard to this rule of faith— ... 13:2 that this Word is called His Son, ... went forth as Jesus Christ; 13:3 thenceforth He preached the new law and the new promise of the kingdom of heaven, worked miracles;
3 Baruch 11:1-3
1 And the angel took me and led me thence to a fifth heaven, And the gate was closed. And 2 I said, Lord, is not this gate-way open that we may enter ? And the angel said to me, We cannot enter until Michael comes, who holds the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; but wait and thou shalt see 3 the gIory of God. ...
Discourse on Abaddon 5:1
Then the Lord answered and said unto Saint Peter, the greatest of the Apostles, the pillar of the Church, the steward of the kingdom which is in the heavens,
Papias' Fragments From Eusebius, 60? - ?120 AD
5:1 As the presbyters say, then those who are deemed worthy of an abode in heaven shall go there, others will enjoy the delights of Paradise, and others shall possess the splendor of the city; for everywhere the Saviour will be seen, according as they shall be worthy who see him.
5:2 But that there is this distinction between the habitation of those who produce an hundredfold, and that of those who produce sixty-fold, and that of those who produce thirty-fold; for the first will be taken up into the heavens, the second class will dwell in Paradise, and the last will inhabit the city;
5:3 and that on this account the Lord said, "In my Father's house are many mansions," for all things belong to God, who supplies all with a suitable dwelling-place, even as his word says, that a share is given to all by the Father, according as each one is or shall be worthy.
5:4 And this is the couch in which they shall recline who feast, being invited to the wedding. 5:5 The presbyters, the disciples of the apostles, say that this is the gradation and arrangement of those who are saved, and that they advance through steps of this nature;
5:6 and that, moreover, they ascend through the Spirit to the Son, and through the Son to the Father; and that in due time the Son will yield up his work to the Father,
5:7 even as it is said by the apostle, "For he must reign until he has put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."
5:8 For in the times of the kingdom the just man who is on the earth shall forget to die.
5:9 "But when he says all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted which did put all things under him.
5:10 And when all things shall be subdued to him, then shall the Son also himself be subject to the one who put all things under him, that God may be all in all."

Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History 3.39.11-12
The same writer gives also other accounts which he says came to him through unwritten tradition, certain strange parables and teachings of the Savior, and some other more mythical things. To these belong his statement that there will be a period of some thousand years after the resurrection of the dead, and that the kingdom of Christ will be set up in material form on this very earth. I suppose he got these ideas through a misunderstanding of the apostolic accounts, not perceiving that the things said by them were spoken mystically in figures.

State and Chronology of the Kingdom

Statements by the Early Church Fathers, after 70 AD, show that they saw the Kingdom of Heaven as "in progress."

Polycarp, 69-155 AD, Smyrna (Turkey), Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians 5:2
In like manner deacons should be blameless in the presence of His righteousness, as deacons of God and Christ and not of men; not calumniators, not double-tongued, not lovers of money, temperate in all things, compassionate, diligent, walking according to the truth of the Lord who became a minister (deacon) of all. For if we be well pleasing unto Him in this present world, we shall receive the future world also, according as He promised us to raise us from the dead, and that if we conduct ourselves worthily of Him we shall also reign with Him, if indeed we have faith.
Tertullian, 200 AD, Against Praxeas 4:3-4 3 But it remains so firm and stable in its own state, notwithstanding the introduction into it of the three-ness, that the Son actually has to restore it entire to the Father; even as the apostle says in his epistle, concerning the very end of all: When He shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; for He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet; following of course the words of the Psalm: Sit on my right hand, until I make Your enemies Your footstool. 4 When, however, all things shall be subdued to Him, (with the exception of Him who did put all things under Him,) then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all.

(ref 1 Corinthians 15:24-28)
Eusebius, 328 AD, Church History, Book 1

Chapter 2
The marvelous nature of his birth, and his new teaching, and his wonderful works had also been foretold; so likewise the manner of his death, his resurrection from the dead, and, finally, his divine ascension into heaven. For instance, Daniel the prophet, under the influence of the divine Spirit, seeing his kingdom at the end of time, was inspired thus to describe the divine vision in language fitted to human comprehension: “For I beheld,” he says, “until thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days did sit, whose garment was white as snow and the hair of his head like pure wool; his throne was a flame of fire and his wheels burning fire. A river of fire flowed before him. Thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood beforehim. He appointed judgment, and the books were opened.” And again, “I saw,” says he, “and behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and he hastened unto the Ancient of Days and was brought into his presence, and there was given him the dominion and the glory and the kingdom; and all peoples, tribes, and tongues serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away, and his kingdom shall not be destroyed.” It is clear that these words can refer to no one else than to our Saviour, the God Word who was in the beginning with God, and who was called the Son of man because of his final appearance in the flesh.

Chapter 3
And therefore, although he did not possess like honors with those whom we have mentioned, he is called Christ more than all of them. And as himself the true and only Christ of God, he has filled the whole earth with the truly august and sacred name of Christians, committing to his followers no longer types and images, but the uncovered virtues themselves, and a heavenly life in the very doctrines of truth.

And not only Isaiah, but also David addresses him, saying, "Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever".

But it is a great and convincing proof of his incorporeal and divine unction that he alone of all those who have ever existed is even to the present day called Christ by all men throughout the world, and is confessed and witnessed to under this name, and is commemorated both by Greeks and Barbarians and even to this day is honored as a King by his followers throughout the world, and is admired as more than a prophet, and is glorified as the true and only high priest of God. And besides all this, as the pre-existent Word of God, called into being before all ages, he has received august honor from the Father, and is worshiped as God.

But most wonderful of all is the fact that we who have consecrated ourselves to him, honor him not only with our voices and with the sound of words, but also with complete elevation of soul, so that we choose to give testimony unto him rather than to preserve our own lives.

Chapter 4
It is admitted that when in recent times the appearance of our Saviour Jesus Christ had become known to all men there immediately made its appearance a new nation; a nation confessedly not small, and not dwelling in some corner of the earth, but the most numerous and pious of all nations, indestructible and unconquerable, because it always receives assistance from God. This nation, thus suddenly appearing at the time appointed by the inscrutable counsel of God, is the one which has been honored by all with the name of Christ.










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