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Noahide Laws

Are the Noahide Laws a part of American law, and can Americans be punished for breaking the Noahide Laws? No.

Basic Information at Britannica, Chabad.org, and MyJewishLearning.com.

References in the Babylonian Talmud at Sanhedrin 56a, Tosefta Avodah Zarah 8, Bereshit Rabbah 34, and Tosefta Avodah Zarah 9.

The "Noahide" website run by Lubavich Jews Main Site, Seven Laws, and Minimum Requirement.

Wikipedia links for Chabad Lubavich, Seven Laws of Noah, and Rabbi Schneerson.

PUBLIC LAW 101-267—APR. 6, 1990
Public Law 101-267
101st Congress
Link to Joint Resolution

PUBLIC LAW 102-14—MAR. 20, 1991
Public Law 102-14
102d Congress
Link to Joint Resolution

Georgia House of Representatives - 1995/1996 Sessions
HB 1274 - Death penalty; guillotine provisions
Bill Main Page and the Text of the Bill.

Fact check by USA Today, and the instagram post on the guillotines.

Conspiracy websites SeeMyTruth wordpress, JesusReturnIsNear.com, AmericanHolocaustComing.blogspot.com, ZionismExposed, and BewareOfTheNoahideLaws.FollowersOfYah.com.

The only source, an email from Pam Schuffert from about alleged whistleblower.

The 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia on the Noachian Laws and Archived. This includes information on decapitation as a recommended form of punishment for breaking the Noahide Laws.










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